The difference between looking at the fruits of the promised land from a distance and pulling them from a tree with your own hands is to believe. What separates a crew member from descending on the water and walking on it unlike the other crew is that he decided to believe. The difference between millions of men perishing in a flood and a family keeping the hope of humanity afloat is that the family decided to believe.
Those of us who have had an understanding of the functioning of the Kingdom of Heaven know that the beginning of blessings begins when we believe, we wait for believing and when everything indicates that they will not arrive, that is where we have to believe even more.
When the human being and mostly the Christian stops believing his life loses meaning. Every time we surrender to waiting for what belongs to us there is sadness in our spirit, because deep down we know that what we crave was just around the corner.
To believe for our God is not only to believe in our mind, but to pour out our hearts day by day in what we believe. Believing in the Kingdom of Heaven unlike the rules of this world is that in the Kingdom of God only one word is needed to advance. This world has taught us "you have to see to believe" but in our Kingdom you can see the road as you go forward. Just as Peter walked on water, natural law and human logic indicated that he was going to drown but faith says otherwise. As the Jordan River stopped its course only until the priests began to move between the impetuous waters. And how about that time when a young man defeated only a three-meter-tall warrior who wore an imposing armor with a wave and stone, David did not care what his eyes saw but what he had sent him to cut his throat.
No one said that the Christian life would be easy, but it is becoming more glorious. Neither that it would be a comfortable life, but moving in the Holy Spirit that conquers keeps us alive.
Today I want to invite you to believe beyond what you have done so far. Even if you challenge our God by believing bigger and more glorious things (according to his purpose for your life), do it and He will surprise you. Do not get tired of believing, do not get tired of dreaming, keep the passion that burns in you alive, and surely you will experience a greater glory in your life.
Do not get tired of believing, when the night is darker, when the waters rise more strongly against you, when your flesh is revealed as never against you, that is where you have to believe, both in the natural and in the Kingdom of the heavens the darkest point of the night is just before the sun rises.
"We live by faith, not by sight"
2 Corinthians 5: 7
Maybe you are facing the worst possible scenario in your life, maybe you are one step away from total failure or death, perhaps the doubt has wanted to kill the little faith you have left, but even in the midst of any circumstance and in any situation , DO NOT STOP BELIEVING.