I'm going to tell you a secret.
God is not moved by necessity.

Did you hear that?
It is useless that when you try to pray, your knees hurt, or you tell them that you can not stand anymore, or that you do not deserve to live this situation or that you cry until you have tears.
God moves your faith.
The disciples' ship looks like it's going to turn around like a fragile nut shell. The waves surpass the ship and the sea is more enraged than usual. The men are panicked, but Jesus rests peacefully in the cabin.
One of them gets tired of waiting for the Master to stop snoring. And he wakes him from a shake.
-Teacher! Do not you see that we perish? Does not it give you a bit of pity that we're about to drown? How do you think about sleeping on board the Titanic? Could not you have a little consideration with your apostles?
It would be better for the disciples to know, of course, that this day will not appear in any honor roll. This will not be the kind of story with which future evangelists will put together their messages. If they wanted to appear portrayed in the great story of the brave of the faith, I have to tell them that they have gone astray. In this way, God is not reached. They will not shake the Master with a jolt and outrageous screams. Hysteria does not make the Lord proud. I can assure you that Pedro, Juan and many others will want to forget this episode, and they will never mention to their grandchildren that this happened at some time.
Despite what you have believed all these years, the need, I insist, does not move the hand of God.
The Lord gets up a little annoyed. This is his only time to rest in his busy ministerial life. And these same men who witnessed how he raised the dead and healed the sick, wake him up from a restful sleep, from a simple storm at sea. He rubs his eyes, while trying to calm the person who has just awakened him from a good deep sleep.
"Do not be afraid," he says, yawning.
The Lord leaves the cabin and commands the winds to be silent. And to the sea to calm down.
Men of little faith, "he says, before returning to bed.
That did sound ugly.
I do not want to go to sleep with those last words of the Lord about me.
They thought I would give them some words of encouragement. Or that he would tell them that next time they do not wait so long to wake him up. Maybe I would mention that for the next trip, they can secure a better boat, or check if there are enough lifeboats. But he only told them that they failed in faith.
Some of them, anyone, should have stopped at the bow and said:
-Wind! Sea! Shut up in the name of the Lord who is sleeping and who needs to rest!
That would have been a good story. The evangelists would have used that end for our best sermons.
It's just that faith is what moves the hand of God.
Thanks for sharing@jorgelis23, God has always honored the faith of man and certainly He does not move on our behalf for our needs, if God moved for the needs there were not so many in the world. He moves by faith when we place our trust in him. God works wonders.
I rather enjoyed this, thank you :)
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