It shows the scripture that Jesus once cried. He was sad because his friend Lazaro had died, and today two thousand years later Jesus is still crying.
You wonder why Jesus cries?
The greatest sign of love is Jesus, because he gave his life on a cross for us. Being He, the only saint and just, died for sinners, every drop of blood that He shed was for our redemption.
He should not have died on that cross, because he did not deserve it. We should have been there, suffer the pain of the nails in our hands, a spear in the side, and bear the mockery of thousands of people, but, being God, being able to come down from the cross, he preferred to stay there for give us salvation, and give us victory.

And being on the cross for our good, people did not understand it and simply laughed and insulted him, but He with a voice of love exclaimed "Lord, forgive them because they do not know what they are doing". Amazing. How great love there is in Him. And he still asks God to forgive us because even though 2000 years have passed, we still continue to insult him, and we do not understand how valuable his sacrifice is.
That's why Jesus still cries. Because the world has not understood that He is the only solution.
Jesus wept because Lazarus had died, but Jesus in the moment approached the tomb and shouted loudly:
"Lázaro come outside"
and he who had died came out.
Maybe at this moment you are dead (because if you do not have Jesus who is life, you are dead), with problems, confused. And that's why you cry, but if you want you can be a friend of Jesus, and he will scream and give you life.
All you have to do is believe in Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior, and I assure you that He will never leave you and will be your true and faithful best friend.

Jesus cries after seeing the anguish of those he loves.
These tears remind us of the love that God has for us, his adopted sons and daughters. They show us how much he suffers when he sees us suffer. Jesus shows true compassion and cries at the pain of his friends.