"Because the day will come when people will not want to hear good teaching. On the contrary, they will want to hear different teachings. That is why they will look for teachers to tell them what they want to hear." 2 Timothy 4: 3 TLA
How many are really suffering to suffer for Defending the Truth? , for being on the right side even if everyone says you are wrong?
Today there are many teachings that will call into question what the Word of God really says.
We are going to become men and women who love to study the Scriptures and fulfill them because our best Preaching is what people see in us.
Reflecting God's Love and Walking in Obedience and Truth are a distinctive mark that should distinguish us.
It is necessary to reflect on the call that the apostle Paul made to Timothy: "But you, Timothy, keep calm at all times, endure the sufferings and always announce the good news. Do your job well." 2 Timothy 4: 5 TLA
Let's keep the Word of God.
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@ ricci01.@glori1612, many people today have fallen into the fables of this world and have chosen to hear what today's man wants to hear, false doctrines but we Christians must stand firm in what we have believed in Jesus Christ with the conviction that we have an identity inherited from our father in order to persevere until the day of his coming.