If you see more you have more power. When we speak of the parable of the sheep, we see that one hundred sheep lost one, it is not so serious, 1% was lost, that sheep was lost because of clumsiness, why did the shepherd go out to look for 1%? Because he had the mind of an owner, not a tenant.

These parables teach us that you have to have an owner's mind with what is foreign and what is with others; so God is going to entrust your own riches to you.
The shepherd goes to look for the lamb, it is very rare for the wolf to attack a herd. That is why it suits us to be in a team; if we cultivate good relationships we will have greater power; the power to be with the other, to build healthy bonds that will connect us with the best opportunities of our life.
The pastor went to look for the sheep because he was proactive, that is, he was not an inactive person. The asset: does what is right, what is asked. The proactive sees a little more and God blesses him. The passive: it's like that person at the airport waiting for someone with just a sign, others besides the little sign have a photo, those are proactive because they see a little more. They do not just do what they were asked, but a little more.
I have to get together with people who see more than me.
We must grow the areas in which we are good, not in which we are "made of wood", God will not use us in those areas, we have to ask God for someone who is good where I am not. Gideon was courageous and courageous and God empowered him.
We have to go look for someone and bring them into intimacy with the Lord, you leave your kingdom to look for someone. I do not carry a concept, I do not discuss religion with anyone, I have to take him to Christ! take him out of his realm of darkness and bring him into the realm of light. The person will tell you a need; That is the time to pray or take it to church, first you become a friend and then you help him.
God of us expects only one thing: to make disciples and he will be with us every day closer. That is the loving gesture of me to God and of him to me.
The motto of the person with good esteem is: "I can"
The motto of the proud person is: "I know".
When Elijah hid in the brook Cherith, he had meat, bread and water. There are times when you have to be hidden, but there are others in which you have to be alone. So that you learn to have a relationship with God to build a bond.
The crows brought meat to Elijah. The crow represents the ugly people; God is going to send these people to bless you, so do not speak ill of anyone because they can bless you.
But one day the stream dried up: the blessing is going to dry because someone is waiting for you to learn something new, in this case it was a widow with the son who was waiting for the prophet.
Elijah had preached the drought but had not experienced the drought. God sends him to visit a poor widow, to learn to move by faith and not by sight. She was collecting firewood; He would probably think that God would send him to see someone with many resources.
Elijah had to learn to be disappointed, equally we, because if we do not pass that stuff we will not see the miracle. In the crisis you learn two things: first that there is more capacity within you than you thought there was and that the God who accompanies you brings more miracles than you thought.
God bless you.@erickbrito we must move in the spiritual world actively and proactively, the Bible says that he who "knows how to do good and does not do it is sin", because in good things he is also active and proactive if we want God's blessing.