
Peace and love of God be with everyone!
How can we experience the peace of God in the midst of so many complexities in life? How to lead a quiet and relaxed life before God?
The answer to these questions leads us to a deep and sincere intimacy with God. When we look for it from the heart, we experience a tranquility in the depths of our being, when we meditate on its broad and deep wisdom, we discover that it advises us to lead a quiet life with a heart of thanks. The word says:
"You will keep the one whose thought in you perseveres in complete peace, because he has trusted you" (Isaiah 26: 3).
Christ is our peace, and his presence is the presence of peace within us (Eph. 2:14). Jesus tells us: "These things I have spoken to you so that in me you may have peace" (Jn 16:33).
What does this peace consist of? It is an internal sense of satisfaction and tranquility, regardless of the circumstances of life. It is a permanent trust in our heavenly Father, who is always faithful and immutable. It is the presence of joy in the midst of misery.
True peace numbs our pain. A person who has true peace can resist an avalanche of difficulties and difficulties, and still enjoy an inner peace that overcomes all human understanding. Why? Because it is not the product of pleasant circumstances, beautiful occasions or good actions that our fellow men can do for us.
Rather, it is based on the fact that the Spirit of our holy God, omnipotent and never changes, lives in us.
Now, if you enjoy the perfect peace of God, does that mean you will never feel the effects of the storms around you? Of course not, but the peace of God is complete, adequate and sufficient for everything you face. Consider these three requirements to experience lasting peace:
- Focus on God.
Perfect peace comes when you look at God. You must discipline yourself to meditate on the presence and work of God. If you spend time focusing on a problem, don't you get bigger and more complex? In the same way, you will have a greater understanding of the presence and provision of God as long as you have your mind fixed on Him.
- I trust in him.
You should never worry that God acts too late or does not provide enough help. His times and purposes are perfect; In fact, he uses his tribulations to further reveal God's character in his life. His Word is full of strong and firm promises, many of which include giving him peace. Rest assured that you will always comply!
- Meditate on his Word.
Psalm 119: 165 emphasizes that those who love the Word of God have much peace.
His most valuable material possession is his Bible. Every believer must love the Word of God and celebrate it every day. If he loves her, he will believe what he says, and she will be his guide and the anchor of his life.
The source of God's peace is found in his Word and in his continuous presence. Seek the peace of God and follow it. Without peace and holiness it will be impossible to see God.
The God's glory is available and permite us enjoy your grace and peace, thanks for to share ennimariana.