
Be all blessed!
Claiming what God promises requires faith and courage. Never settle for waiting for the fulfillment of the promises God makes to you. I recommend that you act and act with great confidence and be challenging in the face of problems and enemies.
I share the story of Caleb, a servant of Moses who showed much boldness to confront the disbelief of his companions and made an effort to present a positive report with the conviction of receiving from God what God had promised.
When ten Hebrew spies warned their compatriots not to enter Canaan, the only ones who urged them to move forward with God were Joshua and Caleb.
Caleb's name means "bold, impetuous," and this friend of Joshua was certainly bold. Caleb had such a powerful faith that he did not even dissuade himself from the imposing giants that lived in Hebron (Nm 13; Jos 14: 6-12). This man believed the Lord when very few believed him, and he was not afraid to claim the promise God had given Israel. However, people's hearts were full of fear and, due to their disbelief, they had to endure four inclement decades in the desert.
Despite this, Caleb's faith did not fade. He kept trusting that God would allow them to take possession of Canaan, and he never changed his mind. In truth, Caleb had a whole heart, because he obeyed the Spirit of God.
We must all follow his example. Let's make sure we have complete faith and a heart given as Caleb, because only then can we face the giants that await us and claim the victory that God has already given us.
Blessed .......!