in #sc-v6 years ago

Imagine the following scenario: You are busy in your trade, working or studying as you do daily, and suddenly Jesus appears to you and says: "Follow me". Then, he turns around and starts walking.


What would you do? How would you respond to this challenge? That was what happened to a man named Levi, who was sitting at the tribute table. He was a tax collector, whom some feared, and many hated. But Jesus did not see his condition or office as an impediment, for he knew the hungry heart of Levi; hungry for change, hungry for purpose.

Jesus went out and saw a publican named Levi, sitting in the place of public tributes. And he said: Follow me! He, leaving everything, got up and followed him. (Mt 5: 27,28)

Perhaps God is not demanding a drastic change in your daily occupations as in this man's case, but he is definitely talking to you about a reordering of priorities in this new year.

I am impressed by the prayer Jesus made in John 17: 4. He told the Father

I have glorified you on earth, I have finished the work you gave me to do. (RVA)

Ask God to fill you with his Spirit, to open the eyes of your understanding and to guide your steps towards the vocation for which he called you.

Meditate for a few moments on what Jesus said. Does not it seem amazing to you that even though there are so many needs in Israel (so many blind, lame, and demon-possessed) Jesus made that statement? However, he said it because he knew that he had fully fulfilled the mission that the Father had entrusted to him.

He said: "I have finished the work that you gave me to do." Each of his activities had been in perfect harmony with the plan of action that his Father had given him, so that each effort of his ministry brought him closer to the goal, to the prize of the Supreme Call of God.

Ask yourself the following question: Am I convinced that the work I am doing has been received from God? And I do not mean only your Christian service, but every activity that you do in your daily life.

The Pareto Law says that, in general, 80% of our efforts produce 20% of our results, while 20% of our efforts produce 80% of our results.

Is it possible that I am investing a lot of time, money and effort in things that do not agree with God's plans for me, and that distract me from my true purpose? Is that the reason why I have not found true satisfaction and contentment in my heart? That's why I'm not seeing the results I'd like to see?

A new year provides us with the opportunity to reorder our approach.

Ask God to fill you with his Spirit, to open the eyes of your understanding and to guide your steps towards the vocation for which he called you.

That is why I, a prisoner in the Lord, urge you to walk as is worthy of the calling with which you were called. (Eph 4: 1)


This is the time to establish priorities in our lives, to give God and our family the first place, to sow love in neighbor and to do the will of God.