Before continuing I want to mention one of the protagonists of this message, he is a charming, kind and dear friend of this community that has enriched and inspired me with his messages full of optimism for personal growth and improvement, this person is sustained by a spirit Noble, he is a great artist and an excellent human being, thank you @chbartist. What comes next revealed itself to my spirit when I read a message about procrastination.
For me everything has a spiritual origin, even the scientific. according wikipedia, Procrastination (from the Latin to procrastinate: pro, forward, and crastinus, referring to the future), 2 postponement or postponement is the action or habit of delaying activities or situations that should be attended, replacing them with other more irrelevant or pleasant situations.
(Exodus 8: 9-10)

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A curious episode in the redemptive history of Israel, was when God sent a powerful hand 10 plagues against Pharaoh to soften his hard heart.
In the second plague, that of the frogs, Egypt and Pharaoh had suffered the ravages of this scourge for three days. Frogs in the room, in the kitchen, in the streets, in the yard, on top of the monuments, in the beds, next to, up, down, everywhere frogs. Do you know what it is like to have such disgusting and repulsive animals proliferating everywhere and at all times?
In verse 8, Pharaoh called Moses and Aaron and told them that he would let the people of Israel leave if the plague of the frogs ceased. "Tell me when you want me to pray to the Lord for you, for your officials and for your people," replied Moses. "The frogs will stay only in the Nile, and you and your houses will get rid of them."

Do you know Pharaoh's answer?
He said tomorrow! Not right now, not as soon as you can, but tomorrow!
He wanted another day with his frogs. And one more day with the frogs is the attitude that many people have regarding the slavery in which they are living. They want to keep it still a little bit more.
Pharaoh's mistake was that maintaining his "bondage" a little bit more resulted in the fall of the kingdom. What you postpone today may be your fall tomorrow.
Do you want to spend another day with the frogs, or will you refuse to stop insisting on God until the liberation manifests? You do not have to live with the jailer spirits or the frogs. You can be free today if you decide that you will not stop insisting on God's release.
In life there are great sacrifices and tremendous commitments that we must make, but when we are filled with courage and face life with our faces up and trust in Jesus we will see the great rewards of a positive and enterprising attitude.
And when God confronts us, instead of making the determination that his Holy Spirit will remove those things from us forever, we say to God: "Better tomorrow; we want to live another day with our nasty and frightening frogs. " As if we loved his company, and we felt good breastfeeding one more day, and another day, and so the weeks go by, which turn into months and then into long and burdensome years, carrying sacks and sacks of frogs.
My beloved brothers, God wants to remove forever those frogs that disturb you. When do you want him to do it: right now, tomorrow or in 2020? Do not answer it to me, answer it better to him.
We all have weaknesses, mistakes, things to face, so why do not you face it? because you do not let anger, envy, lack of forgiveness, decision making, hypocrisy, gossip and gossip, greed, recognize your mistakes, etc.
There are frogs that you have to take out of your life because they are only stumbling blocks for the design and divine purpose, today, look around and ask God, why have you not seen what he promised you one day?
God is not going to come to make decisions for you, you have to do it, even if it hurts. Many years ago God gave me a word through a prophet who told me:
Darlenys, make the decision that I am showing you, the pain will only be for a few months, because I will heal and heal your heart, and I did not want to obey that word, even knowing that it came from the mouth of God, that cost me years of stagnation and sufferings ..
"the intelligent ones fall in the deep well, and they look for the strategies to leave it, but the wise ones, do not approach the well to not fall"
Here I leave some tips, so you can make better decisions for your future.
Manage your time
The apostle Paul writes in Ephesians 5:16: "Make good use of time, because the days are evil."
The context of this verse is to invite us to not miss any opportunity to do the right thing. In a world that lives in darkness, we are light ... and not a flickering light, which spends half of the day playing on the console.
In a broader sense, we can understand that God prefers us to be occupied with things that are worthwhile.
You have to know this: as long as you are not doing good, there is a good chance that you will be tempted or tempted to do evil.
Live every moment
Perhaps the most tragic aspect of procrastination is that feeling that time has gone to waste to not return.
Psalm 103: 15-16 says: "Our days are like grass: we bloom like the flowers of the field, but the wind passes over us and we disappear, leaving no trace."
Our time here on earth is limited. Soon, we will have to leave forever. That is why the Bible exhorts you to take full advantage of each moment that you live.
Proverbs 6: 10-11 says: "a little sleep, a little dreaming, a little to fold your arms to rest, and so your need and your poverty will come: as a vagrant, as a mercenary."
It is not about being busy, but about making every moment count.
Learn to rest
God did not create us as machines to work. He also wants us to relax and enjoy life. Jesus knew very well the importance of resting. Look at what is written in Mark 6:31: "Jesus said to them, 'Come with me alone, to a secluded place, and rest a little.' And so many people came and went, that they did not have time even to eat . "
This passage occurs right after a long day of work and gives us a pattern that we must imitate to avoid stress and procrastination.
The Scripture says in Isaiah 52: 2: "Shake yourself out of the dust, arise and sit down, Jerusalem, release the bonds of your neck, captive daughter of Zion." Perhaps you have been thinking that there is no hope for you. Despite what you are facing, you can be free. Refuse to stop insisting to God about his release. Get up, shake yourself, and decide that this is what you want. Darkness can not dwell with light. Demons hate righteousness, and the power of God's anointing breaks every yoke and undoes the heavy burden of his life.
"It will happen at that time that his burden will be removed from your shoulder, and his yoke from your neck, and the yoke will rot because of the anointing (Isaiah 10:27)."
It's time for freedom!

Thank you Apostle @Darlenys01 for this powerful message. Procrastination in the greatest form of destiny abortion. God expects us to live out TODAY to its fulness. His provision for today must not be excused for another.
Happy Birthday Sister
Tremendous apostolic message, I enjoyed it to the fullest, God help us to take decisive actions of responsibility before the habits or activities that we need to attend when necessary, God always requires us to persist and act in what we want
Blessings @darlenys01
In this walk of the Christian life, procrastination makes us incomplete. And whatever you do, do it with your heart, as for the Lord and not for men. (Colossians 3:23) If we are incomplete in our actions, in our faith and in our worship of God, we have failed in the gospel mission, which is "Go and make disciples." If we leave for tomorrow, the disciple of today, we are NOT disciples. Christ never left for another day the miracle, the teaching, the transformation for another day, and when it took (Death of Lazarus) he was not irresponsible in his action because he did it for you to believe. (John 11:15)
God bless your life @darlenys01, what a real message, an apostolic message, a kingdom, today is the day to make decisions, and remove everything that blurs us from the purpose of God.
A wisdom from above, let's not leave tomorrow's decisions today.
An exemplary message, full of strength and revelation, is easy to let you decide to do a task, some work today, but how difficult it is when today's decision breaks our heart, that's why we need divine intervention.Thank you @darlenys01.
One of the things that I admire about your messages @darlenys01, is that most of them are based on your own life, on your experience, you can recognize your mistakes, where God has rescued you, that speaks of the humility of your heart, they are not empty words, are words that strengthen us to move forward, it is very hard to make decisions that we know will make us hurt, but we must be strong in God.
This part of Darlenys broke me a lot:
Procrastination does not bring blessing, it goes against the Christ-centered essence of our life and does not encourage the growth of our faith. We do not have desire, desire, time, or curiosity. We are called, we have mission!
message that confronts us and exhorts @darlenys01, but they are necessary for our growth, thank you mother of multitudes for this revelation to our spirit.
We must always be aware of the voice of God and know that he always gives us opportunities to act, so we should not waste them and let them pass. Today is the day to act, the present always brings actions and it is necessary not to let @darlenys01
Procrastination or postponement is an action that must be kept present in the Christian, because it is an act of daily responsibility that as people we must confront and act, because we should not delay the situations that should be addressed
Good message @darlenys01
Buen mensaje apóstol. Ni un día más con las ranas, es hoy que deben salir de cualquier lugar de nuestras vidas. Bendiciones.