in #sc-v6 years ago

From the cross, all spiritual giants have had one thing in common: they have revered the Lord's table. They have lost themselves in the glorious greatness of Christ. All have died regretting that they still knew so little about Him and their lives. A) Yes it happened with Paul, the disciples and many of the old fathers of the Church; with Luther, Zwingli and the Puritans; with the pious English and Irish preachers throughout the last two centuries; Men like Wesley, Whitefield, Fletcher, Müller, Stoney, Mackintosh, Austin-Sparks. And so it has happened with the pious American ecclesiastical leaders, such as Tozer, Ravenhill and many others.


That is a powerful list of men who shared the same passion: an ever-increasing revelation of Jesus Christ. They did not care about success, ambition, worldly fame or the spectacular. They did not pray for things, neither for blessings, nor for being employed for God, not for anything of his self, but rather they asked only for a revelation of the glory and greatness of his Lord.

With the devil loose, showing great fury because he knows that his days are numbered, Christians need exactly that: a greater revelation of Christ. Satan exerts great power in these last days, and hell is giving free rein to his fury. The strongholds of the enemy are more entrenched, powerful and deeply entrenched than in any other previous generation. Without a doubt, Satan - his power, his kingdom and his work - is on the rise. It is becoming better known, it is causing less fear and has become more accepted. And in this final battle against him, a basic knowledge of Christ, acquired in the Bible school, will not be enough. Surely knowing a lot about Christ will not be enough. We need to stop studying Christ, come to his table and let the Holy Spirit reveal it to us. This takes time.

I have read a number of volumes that have been written about Jesus Christ, but I have found that in many of them the authors did not know Him. His descriptions were analytical, precise and doctrinally pure, but ultimately lacking in life. Those authors had not been eating and drinking in his presence. But this is how we come to know Him: sitting with Him, listening to His voice and waiting for Him to impart divine wisdom. Busy and worried people never get to know Christ.
They live for long years based on some past vision of glory, without receiving from Him any fresh word, no new revelation. They honor Christ and exalt Him, but He has not become their own life.

One can not go to battle in this world, where demons rule virtually unopposed, unless they are determined to have an ever-increasing revelation of power and glory of Christ. Otherwise, one will have no impact against the kingdom of darkness. The principalities and powers of evil will soon mock one. Only those who know Christ fully and with an ever-increasing vision will sow terror in hell.
We must get on our knees frequently. We must enter the battle from the throne room of God. Otherwise we will crumble before the enemy.
At present, our vision of Christ is too small, too limited. A gospel of "greatness" is needed to overcome the complicated and growing problems in this era of evil. God is not limited to solving problems in this world: he absorbs them in his greatness! A person who has a growing revelation of the greatness of Christ need not fear any problem, no devil, no power on this earth.
That person knows that Christ is greater than all that. If we had this kind of revelation of how great He is, how unlimited, immeasurable and immense he is, we would never again be overwhelmed by the problems of life.
In the last ten years many books have been written on practical methods for the Christian life, enough to fill one of the largest public libraries in the world. For every subject that interests humanity there is at least one book with the easy solution, each of them promises relief to the problems. But very few of those councils are any good, because all of that is based on a diminished vision of the greatness of Christ. As the Most believers do not usually hunger for God, as they do not drink the Word or feed on Christ every day, they become vulnerable to the spirit of the age.
Think of all the troubled marriages that exist in the people of God: decades of advice have failed. Books, recordings and seminars have all had very little effect. Moreover, it has only made the problems worse.

What we really need to heal this and many other calamities, is to return as soon as possible to the Presence of the Lord, enter the secret place of prayer, sit at the Lord's table and get lost in the fullness and greatness of Christ. All our answers will come from the time we have spent at your table, learning from Him!
Once again, Paul is an example for us. He was determined to have that ever-increasing revelation of Christ. In reality, everything he had of Christ he had achieved by revelation; It was taught to the Lord's table, and made real by the Holy Spirit.
Let us remember that after Paul's conversion, three years passed before he went to see the apostles in Jerusalem, and he stayed only fifteen days before continuing with his missionary journeys. Later he said: "By revelation the mystery was declared to me" (Ephesians 3: 3). The Holy Spirit knows the deep and hidden secrets of God, and Paul prayed constantly asking for the gift of grace to understand and preach "the unsearchable riches of Christ"
(Ephesians 3: 8) We have "security and access" to these glorious riches, Paul tells us, "with confidence through faith in him" (v. 12).
God, forgive us for not taking advantage of our "access with confidence" to your immense riches in glory!
The Lord is looking for believers who are not satisfied with leaking among all the contradictory voices to find a word of truth. What he wants is to make us hungry for a revelation of Him who is ours completely: a deep and personal intimacy with Him.


The Lordship of Christ, the greatness of Jesus demonstrated biblically.

Our admiration, our love, our dedication, our faith in Jesus Christ, must grow day by day. Our Interest in Him must be up to any other in life. Christ for man must be on anything that has existed, that exists or can exist. Our look must be on Jesus.