in #sc-v6 years ago

We have all failed God at some time in our life,

those moments where for some reason we are weak in the face of temptation and end up accessing it.

You will not deny me that if you really love God when you have just failed you feel very bad, sometimes we feel even ashamed to ask for forgiveness for that we know it was not to your liking because we consider that maybe he is bored or tired of our failures, however, God is not like that, his will toward our life is that every day we can have the determination and the will to be better for Him and for that there is no better way than doing it than recognizing our weaknesses before Him and allowing Him to help us.


Psalm 51 was written by David after the prophet Nathan had rebuked him for having committed adultery with Bathsheba.

David recognized his mistake and with the most sincere words began to speak with God saying:

New Living Translation (NTV)

1 Have mercy on me, O God,

because of your inexhaustible love;

because of your great compassion,

erase the stain of my sins.

2 Wash me of the guilt until it's clean

and purify me of my sins.

3 For I acknowledge my transgressions;

day and night they chase me.

4 Against you and only against you have I sinned;

I have done what is bad before your eyes.

It will be shown that you are right in what you say

and that your judgment against me is just.

5 For I am a sinner by birth,

That's right, from the moment my mother conceived me.

6 But you want honesty from the womb

and even there you teach me wisdom.

7 Purify me from my sins, and I will be clean;

Wash me, and I will be whiter than snow.

8 Give me back the joy;

let me enjoy

now that you have broken me.

9 Do not keep looking at my sins;

remove the stain of my guilt.

10 Believe in me, O God, a clean heart

and renew a faithful spirit within me.

11 Do not expel me from your presence

and do not take away your Holy Spirit.

12 Restore in me the joy of your salvation

and make him willing to obey you.

13 Then I will teach the rebels your ways,

and they will turn to you.

14 Forgive me for shedding blood, O God who saves;

then with joy I will sing of your forgiveness.

15 Unleash my lips, O Lord,

so that my mouth can praise you.

16 You do not want sacrifices; otherwise, I would offer you one.

You do not want a burnt offering either.

17 The sacrifice that you do desire is a broken spirit;

you will not reject a repentant and broken heart, oh God.

I do not know what your sin was, no matter how great you consider it, you must understand that God wants to forgive you, but for that it is necessary to confess it with your mouth and repent from the heart to start living as God wants you to live.

When we are sincere with God, He renews our strengths and gives us the courage to say NO to those things that do not please Him.

Today I invite you, like David, wherever you are, to speak with God with the most sincere and simple words that come from your heart to your mouth.

Today God wants to forgive you!


Forgiveness must be an attitude that must always be present in our life when we fail, so that we can forgive and be forgiven. @christibri thanks for sharing.