Reading: Acts 5: 1-11.
colapsado_tunel_metroFollow the friends and family of six people trapped in the collapse of a subway tunnel that speaks to you about total honesty. The rescue of their loved ones took hours when the contractor did not immediately report the disaster to the authorities. Instead, the company sealed the place and confiscated cell phones. It was not a blatant lie, but it was a cover-up. This dishonest act showed a contempt for life.

In the book of Acts, God gave us a sobering example of how He sees dishonesty (4: 32-5: 11). Some believers had sold their land and shared all the proceeds with the church. Ananias and Sapphira decided to do the same. But the couple retained some of the money despite having declared that they had given the total value. Hoping to be praised, they fell dead instead.
Was his punishment too hard? After all, his "white" lie was not something of life or death. "Like clouds and winds without rain, so is the man who boasts of false liberality," warns Proverbs 25:14. The apostle Peter asked Ananias: "Why did Satan fill your heart to lie to the Holy Spirit?" (Acts 5: 3), and added, "You have not lied to men, but to God" (v.4). ).
If we are totally honest with ourselves, can we say that we are totally honest before God?
Reflection: There are no degrees of honesty.
Today for many people, honesty is relative, according to what suits the situation, but God demands absolute honesty. Proverbs 20:23 says: Abomination is to God, false weights, And the false balance is not good.
God detests deceit and lies Proverbs 12.22 says: Lying lips are an abomination to the Lord; But those who deal truly are his delight
Honesty brings economic blessing, brings business success, and family blessing.
Thanks for sharing.@christibri. God has left us in the Bible teachings about how we should handle money, honestly. Furthermore, the book of Philippians 4: 8 advises us "Finally, brethren, all that is true, all that is honest, all that is just, all that is pure, all that is lovely, all that is of good name, if there is virtue, some, if something worthy of praise, in this think ".