Not only in your devotional time or in the church, but right now while you are going to read this article, God is very close, waiting for you to invite him to walk with you all day long.
I will live and walk among them, and I will be their God, and they will be my People. (2 Cor 6: 16b)

This was the promise we received from God. God has raised a new people by which He is going to walk, in the midst of which He will walk in the breeze of the Holy Spirit, and the good news is that you and I are part of this new people.
In ancient times God decided to raise Israel as His people, to walk with Him, and He made them the promise that He would go with them, He himself would take them out of the land of Egypt and introduce them into the land of blessing. But they disobeyed him, did not want to hear his voice, walked their own ways and followed their own advice, they resisted him and made his Holy Spirit angry. But when Christ came, He raised a new people, saved them and made this promise: "I will walk among them, I will dwell among them, and they will be my people and I will be their God" (2 Cor 6: 16b).
This is a new opportunity for you that you are a child of God and you can not miss it; You must put aside the desires of the flesh, unbelief and haughtiness and become a desperate seeker of His presence. In this way, this promise will be for you, God himself will walk with you, bless you and let His Holy Spirit dwell in you.
God walks hand in hand with those who have an entire heart and willing to do his will.