
Greetings friends and brothers from the blockchain.
In my new lesson to share, I present a message based on obedience as children of God and its positive impact on achieving our goals for the year that has begun.
Being submissive to the authority of God and following all his orders established in His word, will allow a better orientation in our performance and actions that will be executed in this year.
In my new lesson we will review four relevant aspects that can help us to be a more obedient and successful child of God.
Biblical foundation to become a more obedient child of God.
The four aspects we will review so that you and I are the most obedient children of God can be expanded by studying the book of Genesis in chapter 12: 1-4.
We grow in obedience by having faith in God's sovereignty.
Dear reader, if you and I do not believe in the sovereignty of God, it will be very difficult for us to obey you. Abraham based his relationship with God on his confidence that he would do what he had promised (Rom 4: 20-21). Remember that faith comes by hearing the Word of God and responding with confidence (Ro 10:17).
This fact is important: we will learn to trust Him as we study and meditate on his word.
We grow in obedience when we wait for God's time.
If there is someone who is very interested in time, it is God; not in terms of minutes and seconds, but with respect to our work in obedience, and according to his plan. Throughout the Scriptures we find him moving in "the fulfillment of time" (Gal 4: 4).
Remember this: God does not arrive before or after; It is always just in time.
We continue to grow in obedience when we refuse to submit God's plan to "common sense" or to the reasoning of the world.
Some things that God asks of us may seem out of place from a human perspective. He told Abraham that he would have a son through whom he would bless the entire world. But he allowed Abraham's obedience to be severely tested: he first made him wait almost a quarter of a century before giving him the promise, and then asked him to offer Isaac in sacrifice. God knew the motivation of Abraham's heart. It was a motivation of obedience. When it was time to make the sacrifice, it was the Lord who provided a ram to be used instead of Isaac.
We grow in obedience by responding without delay with obedience.
If our desire is to obey God, we should not doubt when he asks us to do something. On many occasions we do not obey God for fear of consequences. But he asks us nothing that is outside his will for our lives. Our only responsibility is to obey; God's responsibility is to deal with the consequences of our obedience.
God always blesses obedience. You and I can trust Him, obey Him and be blessed. Or we can disobey him and spend the rest of our lives wondering what God could have done if we had obeyed him.
Remember, when you have had a touch of obedience, the consequences will no longer matter to you.
Taking into account these four relevant aspects of how to be more obedient children to God will allow us to successfully achieve the goals we set for ourselves this year and we will be victorious like our father Abraham and we will greatly see the glorious things God has for us.