God dwells in our heart by his Spirit. God himself dwells within us! When we recognize Jesus as the Lord and Savior of our life, he comes to dwell in our hearts (John 14:23, 1 Corinthians 3:16, Ephesians 2:22). The presence of the Holy Spirit in our hearts is a real and conscious experience.
In the words of Jesus it is a rebirth of the Spirit. Mark a before and after. To such a point that the apostle Paul says that if anyone does not have the Spirit of Christ, it is not his (Romans 8: 9). We feel God in our life, we can feel his sweet presence in our hearts, his soft voice guiding us to do the right thing, his power working through us and changing us day by day, so that we are more like Jesus.
We must honor the presence of God in our lives, obeying his commandments and seeking his communion daily. Our body is the temple of the Holy Spirit. God does not dwell in stone temples, but dwells in people who surrender to him. Our bodies are the temple of God. (The Church is the Body of Christ).
God, who is Spirit, makes himself known, reveals himself, expresses himself through us. Our hands, must be your hands. Our mouth, you must let your voice be heard. Our strength must be at your service and that of others. Our body must "embody the Word of God."
Jesus is the verb (the word) made flesh, through his humanity, his body, he revealed God in a perfect way. "He who has seen me has seen the Father" (John 14: 9). I ask myself: Does our life reflect Christ? The apostle Paul teaches us that the members of our body can serve justice or can serve iniquity and filth (Romans 6:19).
Therefore, it is time to remember and enjoy the presence of God in your life. As well as the responsibility to reflect each day that you have made the decision to follow Christ and be the continuation of your ministry on Earth. If God dwells in your life, you are no longer alone and helpless, but, on the contrary, you have the power to rise up and announce the powerful goodwill of the Creator. You are a temple of the Holy Spirit!
Yes Angelica How many times do we look for God outside! We look for it in extraordinary things, in strong experiences. And we forget the most important thing, He lives in us, those who have been cleansed by Jesus and live a life full of love and forgiveness.
Thank you very much, they are the best church.
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