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RE: SBD Explained

in #sbd7 years ago

You are projecting a lot of stuff on me that doesn’t really apply. Really my goal is plain and simple - to make the STEEM price go up. Regardless of how your current position as a user places you - our objectives should be aligned in that regard.


I am projecting nothing on you, I stated I will not be investing whilst sbd exists, I want nothing from you, I never will, leave the victim hood at the door step, and have a free fucking video.

This is brilliant. "One third of a billion years of evolutionary history behind that".
Absolutely brilliant

Ha then you believe as I do, that we have walked this earth longer than text book history? or just an off the cuff comment, either way, nice to meet you.

Same here! For what is worth, I agree with you that the continuous bickering about bidbots and self-voting that is eating the community from the inside like an auto-immune disease is a bad thing.

However I see the SBD currency as a very powerful feature of this blockchain.

See, the way I look at it, STEEM is the equity - holding steem is like holding stock in a company and whether you have it as liquid steem or as SP doesn't really change the nature of it. I would compare SP with holding real estate: much less liquid, but still an "investment for the long term".

On the other hand, I see SBD, because its design as a stable coin, as the real cash of the ecosystem. Even if it's not very successful at keeping the peg, the fact that there is something built-in with the goal of stability makes the whole system a lot more powerful.

You might want to check an older post of mine here: Historic evening: first beer paid with SBD in Luxembourg. I plan to bring a couple of friendly joints on accepting SBD for drinks and snacks. Being able to directly spend what you earn by writing, posting pictures or streaming video games is a huge draw to the community. But I don't want to spend STEEM because I want it to moon. If I believe STEEM will be worth $100 in a year, I would certainly not pay 5 STEEM for a beer today. On the other hand, my friend Luka from Gudde Wellen would not accept customers paying with STEEM knowing that when the taxman comes to claim euros, the STEEM he accepted at 1€ might be worth 0.15€ ! Luka needs a stable coins to sell his beer and SBD is providing something that is approaching that. And we could grow the community to tens of millions if people were able to buy beer with the proceeds from their articles.

That right there, right now, is the single best response I have ever had on steemit, you sir, should be a witness, not any witness, the number one, you talk straight. you ,make a point, you say it the way you see it.

Thanks! I'm glad you found that argument clear, I usually hear people complaining about my being verbose. :-)
I actually do run a witness (with a friend who's more skilled) although it's only ranked 114: @lux-witness

I wish you the best of success, hope you get into that top 100.

If you did not like that one have another, hey they are free