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RE: SBD is broken, why not just remove it?

in #sbd7 years ago

I see that @ned resteemed this post. I would like to know if Steemit, Inc. agrees with this assessment...that SBDs should be removed. This isn't the first time that they've shown interest/support for calls to eliminate SBDs. Rather than remaining quiet/silent about it, why not state their position and engage in the discussions?

I think these repeated calls for eliminating SBDs are absurd. There's always some reason or another.

When the STEEM price was low and the debt ratio was high, everyone panicked about it and wanted to eliminate SBDs, even though the peg was held.

When STEEM prices are higher and SBDs are trading at a high premium, people are now calling to eliminate them because "the pegging is broken."

What has been true since last fall is that SBDs can be bought/sold for at least one U.S. Dollar. There has been a stable floor for the token. That was the primary intent for it. As long as they're worth at least one U.S. Dollar, I'd say that the experiment with them has been wildly successful. Eliminating them because they currently trade at a premium is just preposterous, in my opinion.

We need long-term thinking here. These reactions to relatively short-term price fluctuations in STEEM/SBDs really should stop. And Steemit, Inc. putting weight behind some of the calls/panic is a little unsettling, to say the least.
