There are times that external factors affect us and feelings, thoughts drift us away from the search... At least we wonder about the search itself with or without ouzo. Remembering... I agree with you, but who knows how it works...
"There are times that external factors affect us and feelings"
Yes, there certainly are. We appear to be entering such a time now. External factors will either bring us mechanically to war or stimulate our resolve to overcome our inner slavery. Hopefully, by remembering, we will have the choice.
Poor remembering for humanity so far, and I mean for thousands of years; The issue is how some few people could impact and awake the rest? It didn't work with such people in the past...
....Or we could just work on personal level
A better day.... not only weather-wise...
Would you prefer one with 25 hours? - or 23?
One with better mood, with light in the inside,
or at least with some ouzo under the sun... to forget previous and following hours.
Are you not in charge of your mood?
And light is at the very core of our being. Just have to keep going deeper, through many dark layers, and there it is :-)
There was sun today. If there is more tomorrow, grab some ouzo and grab a seat under it :-)
the last wish,
"to forget previous and following hours"
I don't know about that. Remembering is of utmost importance.
There are times that external factors affect us and feelings, thoughts drift us away from the search... At least we wonder about the search itself with or without ouzo. Remembering... I agree with you, but who knows how it works...
"There are times that external factors affect us and feelings"
Yes, there certainly are. We appear to be entering such a time now. External factors will either bring us mechanically to war or stimulate our resolve to overcome our inner slavery. Hopefully, by remembering, we will have the choice.
Poor remembering for humanity so far, and I mean for thousands of years; The issue is how some few people could impact and awake the rest? It didn't work with such people in the past...
....Or we could just work on personal level