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RE: Craig Wright is 100% Unofficially Satoshi Nakamoto

in #satoshi6 years ago

I know that this is going to sound nit-picky, so I apologize for that in advance, but the guy's name is Dave Kleiman, not Dave Kleinman. Only one "n" at the end, none after the "i".
That being said, this piece is pretty good, apart from the mistake about Andreas Antonopoulos witnessing the signing of the genesis block. AA was invited to London for the proof session, but he declined, asserting that it did not matter who Satoshi was/is. I think he was remembering the disaster that was the Dorian Satoshi Nakamoto unveiling & didn't want to get caught up in another mess. Who knows?
Anyway, as Gavin Andresen said, it's impossible to be 100% certain in a situation such as this, but to anybody paying close attention it's been obvious for quite some time that CSW is probably the main driving force behind the creation of both BTC & BCH. So, thanks Craig, you did the world a big favour. Cheers!


Dave Kleiman
Dave Kleiman (1967 – April 26, 2013) was a noted forensic computer investigator, an author/coauthor of multiple books and a noted speaker at security related events. Kleiman's estate alleges that he was involved in the creation of bitcoin.