Well, based on what's already happening a bit lower here on the ground, I'm not completely surprised.
SO ...
Women drivers
better buckle up!!!
She just couldn't run over that
cute furry little spider
They even manage to
scare themselves
'Yes officer, but yesterday
this sign wasn't there yet'.
for GOLD!
The moral of the story ...
We need more women pilots!
At least it keeps them off the roads.
sources: pinterest.com & me.me
SO ...
Women drivers
better buckle up!!!
She just couldn't run over that
cute furry little spider
They even manage to
scare themselves
'Yes officer, but yesterday
this sign wasn't there yet'.
for GOLD!
The moral of the story ...
We need more women pilots!
At least it keeps them off the roads.
Really "Jackpot" for the woman in that last pic.
@smasssh je bracht een glimlach voor deze dag met je blog, leuk gedaan
Dank je. Even een "break" genomen?
@smasssh Tijdens de zomer moet in vaak werken op festivals of organiseer paar evenementen. Tevens ben ik nu vol op bezig met een nieuw bundel 'krant van de ziel'Mocht je toevallig in Gent zijn op 24/11 ben je van harte welkome op mijn verjaardagsfeestje/bundelvoorstelling. Er zal tevens een avond vol drank en optredens zijn. Dus vanaf dan zal ik terug wat meer tijd hebben voor mijn online wereld, groeten
It's still not too late for you to become a pilot I think ...
I think you want to say that women are less adept at riding iron horses on the highway. Has that bad experience ever happened to you?
No, luckily not (yet).
Thankfully! Very happy to hear that. Have a beautiful and pleasant day, my friend.
Two baby are very cute and lovely and I enjoy your post very much. I waiting for your more post
Or something like this....
women are in empowerment