My native a favorite city - Arkhangelsk There is in Russia one city, named in honor affectionately call beloved in the Orthodox Church of the Archangel Michael. This Northern city of Arkhangelsk.

in #santer6 years ago

About the city of Arkhangelsk

Arkhangelsk – one of the oldest Russian cities, located in the North, was created by Ivan the Terrible in XVI.
Thanks to the development of trade relations with the countries of Western Europe, he achieved his heyday. In 1667, the city suffered from a severe fire,the city was rebuilt. Most of the buildings in Arkhangelsk at that time were made of wood. Only in the XVII century in 1668-1684gg. began to appear stone buildings, the first of which received its heyday hotel yards, created by architect D. Startsev, who performed two functions: served as a fortress and a place for trade. At the end of 1680 Arkhangelsk brought more than 60% of the state Treasury revenues, due to the fact that it has become the center of foreign trade.
In the era of Peter I in Arkhangelsk began its development of the Russian Navy, and on the island of Solombala was founded a shipyard. The first merchant ship in Arkhangelsk appeared in 1694 and got its name "SV.Paul." So same in 1701
"Seven wonders of the Arkhangelsk region"

Take a tour of the most popular attractions of the city of Arkhangelsk.
Antonievo-Siysky monastery

160 km from Arkhangelsk, on a Peninsula with a picturesque view on the Bank of Mihaylovsky lake located Svyato-Troitskiy antoniyevo-siyskiy monastery. The monastery was established at the direction of Prince Vasily III in 1520. During its existence, the monastery often experienced various difficulties and misfortunes. But he was also quickly restored thanks to the help of the Moscow princes and tireless efforts of the abbots. The founder of the monastery is St. Anthony of siya, canonized in 1579.
The composition of the monastery consists of six churches, the main one was illuminated in honor of the monk Anthony of Siya. In the post-revolutionary period the monastery was destroyed and plundered. Returned to the monastery Of the Russian Orthodox Church in 1992. Currently, the monastery is undergoing restoration work. In the surrounding villages the monks do prayers, actively missionary work takes care of a neighboring Church districts. The monastery gladly welcomes pilgrims, opened a library of spiritual literature, recently began work icon-painting workshop. And since 2000, began to publish the newspaper "the Spiritual sower".
Temple Of St. Martin The Confessor

The temple in honor of Martin the Confessor, located on Solombalsky island in Arkhangelsk, is an ancient Shrine of the Russian North. It was built in 1806 and has preserved its original appearance and beautiful interior. The townspeople loved this temple and brought to him the adornment of large donations.
The temple is famous for miraculous ancient magnificent icons, each of which has its own history, worthy of research and spiritual description. The glory of the wonderful effects of ancient icons spread across the Arkhangelsk region.
One-storey Church with one head has an adjoining from the West one-story bell tower. Originally the temple was a one-altar; later the Northern part was attached to a chapel in honour of James the son of Alphaeus. Funds for construction were allocated Arkhangelsk merchants Testlaw M. V. and A. Y. Prozorov.
Then, the iconostasis with an unusually beautiful and intricate architectural composition was built on the funds allocated by the Arkhangelsk merchant Pochinkov. The iconostasis consists of three tiers, two of which are decorated in the form of a magnificent semicircular arch.
Assumption church

The Orthodox assumption Church is located in Arkhangelsk on the embankment of the most beautiful river Severnaya Dvina. In 1626 in Arkhangelsk, in a place called Toad pillowcase, a small wooden Church of the assumption was built. The first Church of the assumption of the stone Church was laid in 1742, and consecrated two years later.
At the same time the West built a close high-tier bell-tower of stone. The temple served as a lighthouse for many ships arriving to Arkhangelsk. The bell tower due to sagging of the ground and bent down leaning like the leaning tower of Pisa. In 1912, under the guidance of architects, the bell tower was straightened.
Under Soviet rule, the Church and the bell tower were demolished by the Bolsheviks. In 1989, the study of this place was discovered preserved Church Foundation, which later consecrated a wooden chapel.
Reconstruction of the former stone Church and bell tower began. In the same year there were walls and the first tier of this once lost bell tower. A few years after the beginning of the reconstruction, the domes were installed.
Estate Of K. E. Plotnikova

The old house, formerly owned by K. E. Plotnikova, is considered the only manor in Arkhangelsk, which is a piece of the old town and has survived to this day in full.
It is an architectural monument of the XVIII-XX centuries. He is part of the urban ensemble, entitled "the Urban mansion of merchants Zingarevich-Plotnikov", located in Arkhangelsk. The estate includes a house with various shops, a trading house, an old coach house and a cinema called "North". These buildings have a great historical and town-planning value. Currently, there is an exhibition "Classical art of the past centuries" belonging to the Museum Association, called "Culture of the Russian North".
In the ceremonial interiors of the most beautiful old house for the review presents works of art, magnificent graphics and sculptures of the most famous Russian artists, which are the rocotos and Venetians, known around the world Brullov, as well as brilliant Aivazovsky and many other artists.
Monument To The Archangel Michael

In Arkhangelsk, on the street called Ilyinskaya, where the Orthodox diocese is located, there is a small but very symbolic monument to the main patron of Arkhangelsk Archangel Michael. It was designed by the famous sculptor Alexei Blagovestnov in 2002 and installed next to the cemetery Church in the bright feast of Easter.
Archangel Michael throughout history is the guardian of the city of Arkhangelsk and helps citizens in difficult times to survive various everyday hardships.
Archangel-Archangel Michael-the leader of the heavenly host-the most revered biblical character. His name is mentioned three times in the book of prophet Daniel, once in the book of Judas and in the revelations of St. John.
According to the author of the monument, a tall young man with an unusually beautiful face and two white wings behind him, dressed in armor, raises up a fiery sword. The bronze monument was implemented with the support of the Andrei Rublev charitable Foundation for the heritage of architecture. On the Easter holiday, at the opening of the monument, the sculpture was consecrated by Archangel Bishop Tikhon.
Cape PUR-Navolok

On the Cape called PUR-pillowcase is the oldest part of the city. On this place in 1584 by order of Ivan the terrible there was a powerful fortress with which Arkhangelsk began. This event is now immortalized in the monument in the form of a sea wave. Next to it is the surviving beautiful North tower and the remains of the old Western walls of the former Gostiny Dvor.
The complex was created from 1668 to 1684. It was a fortress and a shopping center. Gostiny Dvory consisted of Russian and German buildings, separated by an area. Later there appeared city walls and towers surrounded by moats. The complex was to have defensive value.
From the Cape on the banks of the broad river Northern Dvina stretches granite embankment, on which in good weather walk the locals and city guests. At the beginning of the embankment there is a monument to Peter I, who is represented in full height in the officer uniform of the Transfiguration regiment. On the pedestal there is a sign with engraved dates, which mean the date of the stop of Peter I in Arkhangelsk. One of the dates is the date of Foundation of the monument.
Solovetskoe Podvorye

Unique solovetskoe Podvorye has a close relationship with the emergence of Arkhangelsk. The time of its appearance belongs to the XVI–XVII centuries. In those days, the city was an ancient ancient fortress, and the courtyard was located on the territory of the Detinets.
In 1637 fire burned all located close to the fortress structure, and therefore the compound was moved to the market place "St. George's zvoz". Very old farmstead had become an urban industrial centre. The Solovetsky monastery received income from fisheries and salt-making, and it sent its products to Arkhangelsk for sale. The monastery was required warehouses and shops for trade, as well as private residential housing for the monks.
The temple in the name of the Holy brothers Solovetsky is located at the compound of the monastery. With the greatest blessing and permission of the Russian Patriarch Alexy II, in 1998 the renovated Church was consecrated by the famous Bishop Tikhon of Arkhangelsk.
After restoration of the Solovetsky monastery the farmstead was erected on the place of its initial arrangement which is at the river Northern Dvina.
Church Of all saints

The temple is an ancient building of the early 1840s and is located on the bypass canal of Arkhangelsk.
At the beginning of the last century the Church was closed and was a warehouse. According to some reports, in the building of the temple was also a transit point. This fact was confirmed in the book of Solzhenitsyn "Gulag Archipelago", in which there is a mention of the tragedy in the Church building. Under human weight ended a majestic bench that crushed a lot of people hastily buried in the cemetery near the Church.
Today, inside the Church there is a memorial chapel and a spacious prosphora, refectory and various utility rooms.
At the temple there is a children's Sunday school, where the Law of God is studied, concerts for Church holidays are prepared. Hearing impaired children are also taught and trained at the school. Recently, a separate spacious building was built for the school.
In the history of the temple marked as joyful and very tragic events, as its closure, complete desolation during Soviet rule. Now the temple is completely restored and prospers.
St. Catherine's Lutheran Church

In the middle of the XVII century on the territory of Arkhangelsk lived a large number of merchants of foreign origin, most of them were Germans or Dutch. The first Lutheran parish in the city was founded in 1683, before it was part of the Evangelical reformed Moscow parish, whose pastor was from Germany. F. L. Schroeder of Hamburg was the first pastor who started the divine services and laid a wooden Church. The stone Church was built later, it survived to the present day. The appearance of the Church has changed many times, mostly due to numerous city fires.
At the end of the XIX century, another restoration was carried out, after which a bell tower decorated with a spire in the Gothic style appeared near the Church, a canopy over the entrance was attached to the West, and an altar apse built in the art Nouveau style appeared from the East. At the end of the October revolution, the community did not have enough funds to maintain the Church and in this regard, the Church was transferred to the Executive Committee under the Governor. Since 1983, the Church building has been adapted to the chamber concert hall, which has an organ. But there were also services. At the moment, The Lutheran Church is a concert chamber hall of the Pomeranian state Philharmonic. Coming to the Church of St. Catherine, you can visit the service, held in German, also listen to classical music.
Church in honor of Alexander Nevsky

The temple was founded in 2005 on the territory of Artemiev — verkolsky monastery. Barbanov was appointed the chief architect during the construction, he offered to perform the ensemble completely made of wood. Both parishioners and clergy of the Church participated in the process of building the Church. The Foundation stone of the Church was illuminated by Bishop Tikhon of Arkhangelsk and Kholmogori in honor of the Holy Prince Alexander Nevsky. Regardless of its remoteness, the Church is popular among the archangels.
At present, a Sunday school for adults is open every Thursday at the Church compound, and material and spiritual assistance is provided to those who find themselves in a difficult situation — those who have lost their jobs, homes or property, who are dependent on alcohol and who have been released from prison. The temple actively helps those in need with food, clothing, helps in carrying out sanitary treatment in appropriate institutions, at the shelter, at the examination in the tubdispansere.
By many parishioners, actively pursued anti-sect work and within antiscratch activities is assistance to law enforcement agencies.
Youth theatre

The Arkhangelsk regional youth theatre was established in 1975. The theatre was originally established as an experimental theatre Studio. It was attended mainly by workers, students and schoolchildren. Classes were held in his spare time and study. At first, the composition of the troupe was constantly updated, as a large number of people of different ages, different professions came and went. At the end, the troupe of the theater included 30 people, who made up his professional team. The skills of stage acting by the actors of the troupe were received from teachers of theatrical high schools and colleges who were engaged in their learning. This theater is a pioneer of the festival movement in Arkhangelsk.
In 1989 the artistic Director of the theatre Victor Panov organized the first festival of street theatres. After that, the festival becomes traditional and begins to be held in June during the white nights. It presents performances from many countries. Since 2004, the theater has been creating a new festival of theatrical and musical character "European Spring".
Organization and participation in various social events is an integral part of the creative activity of the theater. Social action "Clowns without borders" is held annually during the international festival of street theaters. For people who do not have the opportunity to get to the performances, the artists of the festival hold performances at the Central sites of the city.
The Museum Malye Korely

Twenty-five kilometers from Arkhangelsk, the Northern Dvina, near the village of Malye Korely is a Museum of wooden architecture. The Museum opened its doors to visitors in 1973. Malye Korely is the first Museum in our country, located in the open air and created on the basis of pre-conducted research. Also, each selected monument and its location is scientifically justified.
More than 100 residential, religious and economic buildings of the XVII – XX century are located on an area of about 140 hectares. The principle of construction of the exhibition-sector, presented in the form of models that are most characteristic of the Northern Russian settlements, including a full set of economic and residential buildings and the layout of the houses themselves. In this composition are important not only details in separately, but and the combination of their all in one composition.
The attendance of the Museum annually is more than 100 thousand people. In the "Small Korela" are folklore festivals here occurred the revival of the annual cycle of folk holidays and rites.
Gostiny dvor

Built in 1668-1684 on Cape PUR-Navolok, the Arkhangelsk Gostiny Dvor is a complex including trade and fortifications. From the former complex to the present day preserved only the North tower and a fragment of the Western wall. Gostiny Dvor is an architectural monument of Federal importance, and after the Soviet authorities demolished all the temples of the pre-Petrine period, Gostiny Dvor is considered the oldest building in Arkhangelsk.
In may 1667, during a heavy fire, wooden Living rooms of the yard burned down, after which the construction of a stone living room of the yard was begun. In 1670 the wooden fortification of the city burned down. Later the complex was supplemented with military elements and a Stone fortress town. The destruction of the yards begins with the moment when the main foreign economic activity was transferred to St. Petersburg, from this time they become little in demand.
In the 80 years of the XX century the complex was transferred to the Arkhangelsk Museum of local lore. Since 1992, restoration work began, in 1995, due to lack of funds stopped. The works resumed in 1998, but after a while everything was frozen again.
In 2006 for restoration of the yard funds as it entered the regional program "Culture of the Russian North"were again allocated.
The drama theatre. M. V. Lomonosov

The building of the theater was created in 1846 and it is with him that the history of the Arkhangelsk regional drama theater begins. M. V. Lomonosov.
The theatre hosted the touring performances by various famous actors. The contemporary theatre building in 1929, built on the Foundation of the city's Central Orthodox Church – Svyatotroitska Cathedral. In 1932, the theater staged the first performance – Gorky's play "at the bottom", also at this time, the first permanent troupe of the theater appeared. In the mid 60s of the XX century, the theatre underwent reconstruction of the facade, the visual, the stage and backstage areas. During the celebration of the 250th anniversary of Lomonosov's birth, the theatre was granted the right to bear the name of this great Russian scientist.
In the early 2000s, the theater was closed for reconstruction, the period of which was delayed due to lack of funds. At this time, performances were held on the Small stage of the drama theater. The theatre was fully prepared by the summer of 2009. Now he is one of the best stage complexes of modern Russia, which accepts productions of various genres.