Santani. is it limited and soft delicate or the most mature and intellectually to the highest level even above human brain.

in #sanatani5 months ago (edited)

Real Santani cannot be mainstream oriented and made for the modern world mainly matching the mindset of kids and younger audiences so whichever idiots feel insulted, bad, weird, ashamed or think Sanatan is very soft all oriented being like the feminine side this all bullshit mainstream religious ppl. I am not saying its wrong I am saying Sanatan? Hindu religion is very evolved and mature and understands earth planets and galaxies and to be travelling they had to be more mature, powerful and ready to survive or live in any conditions with any kind of species, I am talking about the main gods so most of the gurus and sages were just from humans origins and had limited to human forms and they were the reason for writing according to human form and many will be according to the era also so everything is not soft pure or modern mainstream which is based on kids mentally so. No Santani is soft delicate or not mature, Sanatn may be the most mature and vast and can be used for many planets or many ages or species and modern Sanatani who are desperate to prove they very soft pure and delicate to match some mainstream narrations, and those weird thing mainly done by humans not gods and what gods do will always be for a sensible reason. So these pure veg and soft female-oriented ppl I am sure you good ppl does not means others who are not soft and not mainstream narrations oriented they are also Santani who might be globally oriented you may be good for area village or state but to be real Santani means you should be more toward universal. if something I am bullshiting I would like to have a real conversation with the highest level Sanatani in modern who can prove me wrong with sense but not by cheating or manipulating try your real avatar to prove me wrong not some dirty algorithms or ideas. stop limiting your religion if you really care for your religion no one is saying to be uncivilised or be like the animal that does not mean we should be so soft and delicate we cannot see the difference lie or truth or be ashamed of our own religion because it's mature. I this trend of Santan I without any intention of gaining any benefits I did try to find the truth the past few years few ppl made it trending to benefits out of it. and I was born in the most popular and modern and evolved religion but I have to give it up because it has not have many human ideas that do not match or have a full manual that does not mean i have to hate them or fight against them or discredited them however when it comes to truth i have to choose something which is more vast in knowledge. when I question something instead of answering the question if they try to manipulate you or make my life difficult that cannot be a religion made from gods or call it higher energies. and till now I have lost some of the basic necessities because I left the popular religion so stop doing dirty tricks to stop me from asking questions many fail to talk to me or fail to understand the universe because they lack the right questions to ask so feel proud if one of your kind humans is asking and solving the right questions which has helped even the creators to evolve humans are nothing in front of creators which can be earth water air fire ether also so just because few gangs to thrive don't drag human evolution with it. I am sure many don't have the brains with balls to sacrifice or suffer their life in pursuit of the truth so feel proud if that one or a few ppl in billions try to do such things for the whole of humanity not just for one tiny pity community instead whole species including earth or the 3 realms stop being limited to pity ideas just to please mainstream algorithms and brands in the virtual world since the internet is the pandora box. Ok if when i abuse or say it the words i use when i get angry when use word for anger is limited for most of my anger I use the same few words for all kinds of anger i call it anger words for many its abusive words mean the humans who use religion and misuse them to promote or get some benefits and in every sector its has some to be angry for or feel stupid to part of such idea which is so fcking silly they have no answer why or what but still they do it maximum times for senseless benefits or rule they made and they have to follow becus no one has answers or to ask the right questions. i did not or jump but these ppl who only appreciate when you speak well for them but when we ask the question or show them the uncomfortable truth they say i jump funny how perspective can work in some insecure brains, anyway i have lost many things in this pursuit of truth then I gained so no one in their right mind can accuse me of not doing the right thing or trying to give the right perspective for how much ever info i had and understanding out of it, if someone feels bad or feel i have less understand and I am wrong please try to teach in the most civilised and decent ways in real if possible so i can understand better or for the info i found in the pandoro box and in my so-called real life and understood some form in some spooky servers which i connect in my imaginary worlds.