(Introduction) Let´s agree that life is complex

My name is Samira and I start this blog because I have a lot to say about the state of the world. I have added a (raw photo of myself with my steemit name so that you know it is really me:-).
I believe we are capable of change. And that it starts with personal development. As an art therapist, I find creative ways to explore that territory of self-improvement. As a witch and magical being, I use tarot, magic, and ritual to gaze through my holistic glasses.

However I hold the position that critic is good and necessary, reality must be acknowledged and there is more than the dual options given to us by this society. We can do more than just cue up with what we are told. It is important to remain in charge of our selfs and think for ourselves. To observe it from different angles as we carefully investigate the artwork in front of us. At this moment in the world, it might be more critical than ever.samiraphoenix.jpg

I align myself with the temperance card in the tarot from the Crowley deck. It says Art, it shows us the fusion of alchemy. Visions and experience, observations and ideals are mixed together in my own kettle. I am fascinated with spirituality as a more open way to express our connection with the world. With magic as a way to learn the dark shadows of our subconscious mind and to train it an become aware. And also the reality of life, the structures of oppression we live in and the many differences amongst us that result in life experiences that are far removed from our own.

The idea that there is one way, one truth, and one religion has deeply troubled me for as long as I can remember. I have tried to fit myself in that molt yet it didn´t work. It is not hard for me to recognize the multi faced layers of experiences in this world. But I admit that I can´t simply agree or hide behind political correct inclusiveness. It isn´t that simple. And that is a hard reality to deal with for many people.

Thank the goddess that there are also people who understand this and question the linear all or nothing way of looking at the world. Very often ¨the truth¨ was determined by white people, or men or whatever group took charge and decided to speak for all.

Today we still feel the severe precautions of this approach in our hearts, mind, and thoughts when we are not taken seriously. Or when discussion heats up with who/what is ¨real¨or who/what is not. As if reality is linear and can only be perceived by one person or one gaze. Let´s agree that life is complex and let that not be an excuses to agree with everything and excuses things or mistake human right violations for culture.
Spirituality and the desire to live in peace with each other can not become an escape from the material world in which each of us tries to maneuver.

I need to be clear that I speak as a woman of half Tunisian and Dutch descent, a magical being that lives in The Netherlands. I have a degree as an art therapist yet I had to ¨climb up¨the ladder to get my diploma´s. That was not easy and I consider that revolutionary. And it is important to look at our lives in this way.
This culture is trying to give us the feeling that we are alone and we don´t matter. It generates a lack of compassion and action towards each other because of the competitive nature of the structure of the society. Here is the medicine: we all matter a great deal, each action we take is a revolutionary step towards change. We can do this with the awareness of our differences and the reality that each of us deals with and because of that, and we are never alone!

We have to find people that look for change and implement it step by step in our own lives whilst sharing it with like minded people. Community is like a healthy warm soup when we are cold, it creates the connection with ourselves and comfort and that makes our work easier to do.

We can pour hope into the actions that we take and leave the negative and destructive ¨what is the point¨mindset behind. That is a huge step towards change. It is easy to critique others and institutions (and we must) but those structures of hopelessness have also seeped into our minds. Pay attention to our own reactions. It is possible to be realistic and constructive at the same time.

Let us leave behind the excuses and walls that have surrounded us by which we tell ourselves lies. Such as ¨I am just practical¨ ¨it is impossible¨ and ¨what is the point¨. The mind has a way to convince us that we mean well, yet it is better to ask ourselves what we really fear when we say that to others.

This blog is one serious attempt to change hope into action. I want to live in a society where we all look at each other and say:¨what is it that you come to do here?¨and ¨how can I help you?¨.
A society where we listen to each other, recognize the pain and sit with it. Where we live in tuned with our natural rhythms. I have brought up a lot of things in this piece and as time moves on I will expand more on them, for now, this is it.

I think that I need to start where I am because that is the only logical place. It will be imperfect, messy and raw but it is real. For me, it is a choice to stop the virus of perfection and step into the place of courage and truth. So imagine my blog post to be like small bites of lovely spicy food that gives you a taste explosion in the mouth:-).

May you all be well where ever you are.

Much love


Big welcome @samiraphoenix my name is Sam.

I'm looking forward to your contents about the state of the world.

The real @samiraphoenix

I love this post Samira. I've been contemplating the "art" card a lot recently - alchemy, transformation, taking the raw materials you're given and making something different. It's such a big lesson to take on and a lot of people never get there. It's that energy manipulation that we must take responsibility for.
I already really enjoy the way you write. I hope you find success and a good following here.