
That's where I was when I had the encounter with the beaver while I was in my kayak! Lots of memories.

I think I would almost perfer it in the winter if it had a modern water and sewer system, spend time cutting wood and having a roaring fireplace. plus it would be so beautiful and quiet when it snowed, not to mention the scenery!

Yeah, it was the modern water and sewer system that was lacking! It was so beautiful to be in the middle of the forest when it snowed. The lack of man made noise made all the natural sounds so much sweeter. In the summertime you can hear four wheelers traveling around out on the gravel roads, and boat motors on the lake. There would be the occasional snowmobiler, but we were miles from bars so that seemed to keep that crowd away! The people that bought it from us tore it down and rebuilt it, and put in a septic system, so I'm assuming it now has all the needed updates. They pretty much kept the same design, with more windows and used the original fieldstone to face the exterior. I believe they retained the same fireplace also. I'm guessing that now it can be used year-round very comfortably.

Howdy Melinda! Well that is what I imagined it to be, so nice of a get away. If the stuff hits the fan like so many preppers on here think it will, then that would make a nice place to go.

How has your day gone so far, getting alot done?