This surely was a lot of maintenance, as you write, I believe you !
This cottage is so lovely, I love the stones on the facade and the part in wood also, this makes a charming place in nature ! I would have been scared meeting a bear ! ^_^
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That was the only time I've ever seen a bear in Wisconsin! I encountered one one other time when I was canoeing in Minnesota, and we had set up camp on an island and I was cooking over a campfire. The bear smelled the food and wandered into camp. We had secured most of the food in a pack with ropes hanging from a tree, but this guy had obviously raided that camp before! After scaring the daylights out of me and causing me to head down to the lake shore with a canoe paddle in my hand, he came right over to the campfire and knocked my pan of food off the fire on to the ground where he proceeded to eat everything I had out on the picnic table while he waited for the pan to cool off so that he could lick that clean. I was left with a very battered lightweight aluminum cooking pot when he finally left. We packed up and canoed to a different site before we set up camp for the night! Mostly I was furious that he ate the chocolate brownies that I had been hoarding in the bottom of the food pack and had been looking forward to so much, after a week out in the wilderness with no sugar!
Oh my goodness !! This story made my day my dear ^_^ You have such incredible experiences to tell, this is pure happiness !
Ha! You provided me with the opening to tell this tale! I'm glad you enjoyed it!