Why should salesperson talk only for 10–15% of the time during sales pitch?

in #sales7 years ago

Recently I had a chance to sit near the HR who was going interview candidates for Marketing position that day. I was really tired at the end of the day, but there were two candidates whom I remembered particularly.

There was only one spot left and we had these two candidates competing each other. One of them was qualified and everyone in the room was sure that he will be selected, he was really enthusiastic and hyperactive. And there was this another candidate who had a good experience but was not that qualified.

Yes, obviously the second candidate was preferred over the first candidate. You know why?

He was chosen because the first candidate was over-enthusiastic, he was eager to sell his product without listening what other person had to say. He never listened to their requirements and tried to force his product. Now the second candidate always listened to what his customer had to say, he understood why the customer needs the product and how he can benefit from it. He never forced the product on the customer, instead most of the time it was the customer who wanted to know more about the product, they were curious about it and couldn’t wait to get it.

That’s what every salesperson must understand, the meeting with the customer is not to educate him about the product. It is to understand the customer, listen to him and gain his confidence. To make him believe that we are here to help and not spam him.

There is only one boss. The customer. And he can fire everybody in the company from the chairman on down, simply >by spending his money somewhere else. — Samuel Moore Walton, Founder, Walmart.

What do you think about this? Feel free to share your views.

NOTE: Originally published at https://www.linkedin.com on September 17, 2017 by Sagar Shah.