Sometimes Selling Stuff Sucks

in #sales2 years ago

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Real thoughts in real-time. You’re hereby forewarned!
Or Watch this two-minute video.

Trevor and I were having a meeting.

We have an online product that we sell for business owners that have a. COVID-19 through the SBA. We had helped about 500 paying clients, and thousands for free via our YouTube Live Q&A shows.

We know there are millions of business owners that have an SBA EIDL loan.

We had already encountered people calling us and asking for advice on how to manage certain decisions they have to make in their business because they have an EIDL loan on the books. There are conditions in the SBA loan agreements that cannot big ignored.

  • We're going hardcore.
  • We're going old-school.
  • We're doing an extensive direct mail campaign.
  • We're also going to be doing a cold-calling campaign.

This was how things were done when we both started our careers in the late 80s and early 90s.

Now, in the digital era, things seem productive or efficient or cost-effective with SMS and email. However, with high bounce rates and low open rates, the commodity is how do we grab attention in this attention-deficit economy.

I’m crushing it. I'm giving him solid suggestions on how to launch this cold-calling campaign. I have great ideas on how to approach it effectively to streamline the process.

BUT, at the same time, I'm thinking, I’m glad I don't have to do it!! (womp-womp)

Trevor is handling that task. I handle all aspects of marketing.
We divide and conquer with certain things.

This is normal in business. We have great ideas and we know how to do it, but then....we procrastinate, avoid, or deny because we don't want to do it. It's tedious, it's boring. There's fear of rejection or various emotional components to it.

A few key factors are:
What is the goal?
How much money do we want to make or whatever the measuring stick is for success?
How bad do we want it?

Happy Monday!!