☆☆ 20 KILLER SALES STRATEGIES: Become a sales expert with these sales strategies ☆☆

in #sales7 years ago

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SALES STRATEGY #1: Always agreeing with your client
Sales is always about building connections. If you are able to build long-lasting connections with your potential customer, you gain certainty.

The customer is never wrong - A true statement. Nevertheless, not everyone has to be your customer!
When you tell someone you can’t, won’t, not allowed to or that’s impossible, you cause the customer to become defensive, more dug into their position, and make them less likely to agree.” – Grant Cardone

What will you get out of it?
#1: A long term relationship with these people
#2: Trust in your product in your brand
#3: Trust on the emotional side of business
#4: Sales certainty for your business

Never forget: Business people are only humans as well, treat them as such and make them feel comfortable around you and in their business decisions.

SALES STRATEGY #2: The art of pressure and how to get people into making sales decisions

The world is full of people who want to sell you their product. Nevertheless, their product is often of low quality, thus most people have doubts about:

  1. the quality of the product
  2. the lifespan of the product
  3. its practicality
  4. its usability
    and their fear the following:
  5. loss of money
  6. in bigger corporations: loss of trust

Your customer will think about your product in detail, if it is a good product, the customer will come to the conclusion, that purchasing this product would be the right decision.
Thus, always create products of high quality! Never invest not enough time to review and improve your product or service.
As soon as you realize, that they like your product/the concept behind it, create a trigger, that shows that the product/service is scarce!

SALES STRATEGY #3: Collaborating with large companies & how To Set up Meetings With Successful People

When cooperate leaders look at their phones, what they see is dozens of missed calls; Most calls get re-directed to voice mails which give them the freedom to listen to the messages whenever they like. Nevertheless, most messages get deleted because the people speaking them are sales people wanting to pitch their product.
OUR QUESTION: How can we differentiate us from them?
Differentiation process:

  1. Understand the other side (what do they want from us? who are they looking/not looking for?)
  2. Research (how much can we find out about the company/the person we want to talk to?
  3. CONNECTION: How can we build a connection to that person/company through our in-depth knowledge?
    BOTTOM LINE: Knowledge lets people differentiate from each other (especially in sales)

SALES STRATEGY #4: Making your potential customers understand that they have a problem

First of all, we need to differentiate between different types of problems: Problems in the short, middle and long term.
#1 What are the immediate effects of not taking action?
#2 What are the long term effects of not taking action?
Example: The roof has a hole in it.
Short term: water is dripping into the house
Middle term: rooms get moldy
Long term: the entire house falls apart

Startegies being used...
#1 We scare people - fear lets people react much more quickly; They start making decisions based on the problem, not on the solution because the solution as its being offered, must be immediate -> time plays against the customer
#2 We create a feeling of mutual understanding; The customer understands why he/she needs to act and is thankful that YOU offer the solution
#3 We play with people’s imagination. The imagination is much wilder than reality, thus often people imagine outcomes that are not realistic.

“My goal for this meeting is to help you understand you have a problem that you need to fix whether you choose to work with us or not to fix it or not. After you agree that you have a problem, then I will try to convince you that we are the right people to help you fix it.“ (- Stu Silverman)

SALES STRATEGY #5: What you say means nothing, what your customer believes means everything

Whatever you believe only has value to you but not to potential customers
FIRST: Ask them what they want - do customer research and figure out what they believe in and what they want to see from your product
If many people have the same VISION for a product, and you have the ability to bring it to life, you hit the jackpot.
Make sure you NEVER assume that your idea is what other people are looking for/have demand for!
BOTTOM LINE: Don’t try to generate sales from a product that no one believes in.

SALES STRATEGY #6: What’s between your customer and his/her goals?

As a sales person, it is your task to understand your potential customer and work out a product that fills the gap between your customer and his/her goals
If your solution fits this gap and not just for only client, but many, you are selling the right product.
Always think about selling this way: The only reason people listen to you for more than 1 minute in business, is when you offer value!
This concept is also called the value proposition!

By solving their problems...
… you will build a business trust relationship between you and them
… you will when future decisions have to be made, be the first one to go to
… you will make money and validate your solution; (The validation can then be used as a sales measure)
… you gain certainty about your marketing/sales techniques

SALES STRATEGY #7: The 5 principles of successful sales people

  1. relationship - They build a relationship with the people they work with on an emotional and business level!
  2. future decisions - They play the long game and shoot for the big sale!
  3. making money - sales people are out for the SALE, no mumble-jumbling around - generate sales quickly! Time always plays against you!
  4. validation - you want to know whether your product works. Through validation comes certainty, through certainty comes confidence
  5. certainty/confidence - they want to gain certainty in order to gain confidence; Almost every sales person hates promoting a terrible product.

SALES STRATEGY #8: Turning your weaknesses into strengths

When you sell to people/a business, you’re selling strengths, not weaknesses
Always bet on your strengths, never ever on your weaknesses.
Don’t be the modest mouse, think BIG!

SALES STRATEGY #9: Closing strategies and fallback positions

Lay out your main arguments first:
#1: Why does the potential customer need your product?
#2: What is your sales anchor?
#3: Will this product/service get your potential customer from point A to point B without a stop in between?
#4: Does he/she understand the following

  1. the quality of the product
  2. the lifespan of the product
  3. its practicality
  4. its usability
    #5 Does he/she know that he/she will not waste any money?

At what minimum price would you still sell your product?
Making suggestions is part of every fallback position strategy. You want to make sure that you don’t push people into a corner and show flexibility. Nevertheless, always be determined and never give the other side full control of the debate.
Most business owners are sharks and want the best for their business (just like you). They will not want to pay a dime more than they believe the product is worth. Thus, offer a product that holds more value than the price is indicating. That brings you in an easy to debate place.

SALES STRATEGY #10: How to reduce friction and pain points

You have to twist information a little bit in order to make them sound better
People have certain pain points. For instance they want to buy a product online that costs 5 USD. When you say, the customer needs to pay a 5 USD fee, the customer will not be likely to buy the product. Nevertheless, if you say a small fee of 5 USD, they will be much more likely to buy
Make sure you always reduce friction because customers want to do the following:

  1. Not spend too much money
  2. Minimize risk
  3. Feel comfortable about the decision to buy


  1. It costs 10 USD -> it only costs 10 USD
  2. It will take 6 days to ship -> it will be there in less than a week
  3. You take the risk! -> Don’t worry about the risk. It’s quite little.
  4. Fee of 3 USD -> small fee of 3 USD

SALES STRATEGY #11: Attention seeking & being different from other companies

If you are in a competing market place, you need to be different from other people. Here’s how you can be different:

  1. quality-wise
  2. quantity-wise
  3. marketing-wise
  4. ideology-wise
  5. speed-wise
    If you want to be viewed as something different, be something different. For instance, in the growth hacking space, many people started looking outrageously in order to get the attention.

As a sales person, you are day-trading attention...

Where’s the attention of your customers? What aspects are they most interested in?
Via which marketing channels can you reach them?

  1. Traditional marketing (flyers, posters, billboards)
  2. Psychological marketing (in supermarket isles)
  3. Social media marketing (Facebook, Snapchat, Instagram, YouTube, WeChat, Weibo, Kakao Talk, VK etc.)

SALES STRATEGY #12: Don’t just sell your products, sell yourself

Distinguish yourself from the company culture at any price, if not, you will seem quite boring. The best sales people stand behind the company but rather act like a connection from customer to the company, than from company to customer.

Make sure that when you sell products, that you always protect the company but show empathy for the customer! The customer must understand that he/she is in good hands.

SALES STRATEGY #13: Creating moments of truth & making them count

In a moment of silence, state the ultimate sales argument. Give the person a monolog that is so compelling that the other person needs to think about it. Give the other person that time to think about it and let it be silent for a few seconds (if possible).
This silence will occur if the other person’s emotional side will respond to the monolog. Afterwards, have one last extremely important sales-oriented remark and close the sale afterwards.
It will take a long time for you to develop such a monolog and such an aura but at some point you will have it and you will never lose it again.

Don't forget:
Always make sure that your sales behavior matches
your intuition. If someone doesn’t want to buy, then
do not go through this process.

If people eat what you feed them, you need to go
through this process. If the first 70% of the talk give
you the impression that they are open for a sale, start
executing further.

SALES STRATEGY #14: The #1 trait of a salesperson - authenticity

Whatever product you sell, be authentic while doing it. Most sales people seem quite fake and are seemingly only focussed on the sale, rather be authentic and sell more because people like you.
You need to understand the following: A sales person is a construct that should not exist. No one wants to buy a product/services from an advertiser. People want to make the decision for themselves. They don’t want other people to do them for them.
But, how am I going to seem authentic? Will the market like my kind of authenticity?
For every market, there is a preferred authenticity. Teachers should not open up on a dirty mind, kebab sellers should not behave like beauty icons.

Remind yourself of the things you really believe in. Answer the questions: What is your fundamental truth? What do you believe in?
My personal example:

  1. hard work
  2. complexity
  3. endurance
    Find ideas that always relate to you, no matter what situation you are in! Our society bombards us with information from all sides. Be aware of them but don’t get confused by them.

SALES STRATEGY #15: The art of storytelling & the way we started learning

Storytelling - Storytelling is the social and cultural activity of sharing stories, often with improvisation, theatrics, or embellishment. (- Wikipedia, Storytelling)
Think back to the time we started learning. Can you remember the time you gathered your first information about the world? Probably not!
Do you remember the first story you ever heard? No.
But, are you a person that believes that bravery is a good thing and that there is evil in the world which needs to be fought? Then you probably don’t remember the stories but their messages.
In order to sell products to people, make them understand through stories/imageries that there is a threat (THE EVIL) and that you are the one who can help (THE GOOD).

And, look back to the last slide, isn’t it funny that we see the color RED as the color of evil and the color BLUE as the color of good?
Connect colors with your story and make you sales techniques as visual as possible (if possible).
Children learn through stories from their parents. Now they learn through stories with you!

SALES STRATEGY #16: Always map out your sales calls in advance


Always make sure that your sales pitch is structured
Have the same pitch every time but adapt if the people
do not seem to respond to your way of pitching.
Always remember: No structure is perfect!

SALES STRATEGY #17: Prioritizing & Developing a proper focus

If you don’t prioritize, you will hustle without a pre-defined result. Thus, you can never assess whether you achieved your goals or not.
Every evening, sit down for 5-10 minutes and set priorities for the next day. What do you want to achieve? Which things do you want to achieve MORE than other things?
You can write a journal in order to do that. Just make sure that you do it on a daily basis and never leave a day out. You need to be able to look back in time and assess what you managed to get accomplished and what you did not manage to accomplish!
You can also use software tools in order to do so. For instance: ubernote or webasyst

Here are a couple rules...
RULE #1: Never leave out anything just because you are afraid of doing it
RULE #2: Make sure you always keep track about whether your sales methods worked or did not work
RULE #3: Make sure you always try to come up with new sales ideas, sales funnels etc. In order to do so, take some time to think and learn. If you invest the time, you will become more effective and in most cases also have more business success.
RULE #4: Schedule your day ahead timewise. Make sure you know when to do what. Every goal you want to achieve consists of many steps. Be like a chess player and plan your moves ahead.
RULE #5: Stick to your deadlines no matter what! Keep on working, pull some all-nighters because believe me, you will not die ;)

SALES STRATEGY #18: Be specific about your goals and evaluate them regularly

How many sales do you want generate in which time frame? Do you want to generate 1 sale, 20 sales or 100 sales in the next 24 hours?
Nevertheless, be ready to answer the how? at any given time! It is better to have a plan and it doesn't work than no plan and just the will to sell.
Short term: 1 sec - 1 week
Middle term: 1 week - 1 year
Long-term: 1 year - 10 years
Lifetime goals: 10 years +

We love to give ourselves excuses for the things we did not do, whether it’s sickness, the wrong weather, your feelings, not enough sleep and much more
Nevertheless, the market is the market is the market. The market does not care about such behavior! It responds to actions in it but not to actions out of it.
It is difficult in the beginning but will get easier over time. You could for instance punish yourself for not getting things done
For instance: If you don’t generate 10 sales today, you are not allowed to eat any candy.
Make it hurt if you don’t achieve what you wanted to achieve. Next time, you will work even harder to get it.

SALES STRATEGY #19: Make projections and achieve more

Look back at the last year and then make projections what could be achievable this year. Have a minimum and maximum. Always try to achieve a little more than the maximum. Set that as your target.

If you don’t achieve it, that’s not a big problem. Just make sure you go in with the mindset to achieve a bit more than the maximum and execute this way.

If you already think, then think BIG - Donald Trump

Furthermore, never underestimate SPEED. Go fast and break things!

SALES STRATEGY #20: Skip the easy to achieve goals and aim higher

Many people set goals that are easy to achieve so that they can achieve them. That only makes sense if every achieved goal is part of a bigger more important goal!
If you only achieve without vision, you never get the life you desire.
Thus, skip the easy to achieve goals and rather go with the big ones!
Many people lack the ability to plan and can’t act like a chess player.
Thus, my advice for you is: divide all your big goals into many smaller easy to achieve goals.

More in our upcoming sales strategies course. For more updates, click here: https://www.facebook.com/teachinghero/?pnref=lhc


excelente pos hermano, cuento con tu apoyo, saludos

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Superb article

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Excellent post.