7 Business lessons you can learn from the show Survivor

in #sales7 years ago

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I am a big fan of the show Survivor and have kept up with most of the seasons because of how intense the show can be. I love this show because at times it can keep you on edge and on a thrill ride!

When it is time to vote someone off the Island and crunch time hits you can really see both the good and bad of people. One of the things that Survivor really highlights is social skills and how you can use these skills to your advantage.

Out of all fairness, how you apply these skills can backfire at times if not administered correctly. Anyone who is a student of both strategy and sales might be able to see how these two intertwine throughout the season. Can you learn business skills from watching Survivor? Sure you can!

Here are some of the business lessons I have learned from watching Survivor.

Rationing - Very quickly the contestants are forced to ration supplies and the amount of rice that they intake on a daily basis. Eat too little and you starve - Eat too much and starve tomorrow. Finding that right balance is key.

Social Selling - When it comes down to the nitty gritty and Tribal is a few hours away, your key to survival and ultimately winning the grand prize can depend on how well you interact with others and how well you adapt to social skills from other players.

Negotiating - Being able to negotiate a good deal can determine whether you Survive another night or whether you end up on the chopping block.

Sales - Social skills and having the gift of gab can only get you so far. Being able to convince and close the deal can go a long way.

Resolutions - When players argue with each other it appears that if both end up finding a resolution it can end up taking them further in the game.

Partnerships - Being able to form an alliance early in the game can give you a strategic and competitive advantage. The power can be in the numbers and ultimately the more people you have on your side the more leverage you have when it comes to crunch time.

Be Humble - Remember the same people you vote out are going to be the same people who determine whether you walk away with the "Grand Prize" or not. So play the game - but play it with honor.

Thank you for reading this and remember in sales every day is a learning experience. Thank you for reading this and stay tuned for part 2 - The Amazing Race version!*
