Be real, not perfect
Conveying to the client that you care about the business and not just the deal is very essential while you make a sales pitch. This will define how the prospect perceives you and the business with your company. Be prepared, not calculated. A genuine sales pitch shows that we care about the customers best interest.
Turn con into pro
Prospective clients are bound to have objections which might eventually lead to a deal killer. However, the sale depends on the company’s ability to resolve the clients objection by a given date. If a fix is possible, getting the clients commitment is very essential.
The honey trap
We all love our discounts don't we? The prospect is always on the lookout for freebees, that little extra you do to put back in his pocket goes a long way. Attach a deadline to an incentive this gives them a teeny-weeny push required to choose your product or service.
There is always room for improvement
No business is without competition, so you can only keep improving as a business. Always pitch for a feature or product unique to your business. Knowing your competition helps you compare your services with them.
The price is right
Determining if the prospect is a realistic buyer and worth your time is very crucial in a sales cycle. Drafting your sales pitch only to realise that your product is outside their budget is a deal breaker and time killer. Always be open to discussing money, transition your conversation from abstract knowledge to building a literal sense of agreement, make a subtle move, pick your words efficiently and build in the curiosity to follow and reach the pennies. Delaying to talk money, will keep both the customer and you anxious.
Play the game you can't lose
Compel the prospect into buying you product by giving him 2 alternatives. This way the prospect would be forced to choose one product than turn both away. Denial is silently brushed under the carpet.
Turn up the heat
Demonstrate the implications of using your services versus without it, this will always keep the customer on his toes. Compel the customer to buy your service by stressing on the sense of urgency.
More often than not the prospect is the most crucial person for a quick close. He is more or less likely to have all the information about your product and company. Identify him when he comes with a group and customise the sales pitch to his interest, even if he isn't the person talking to you.
Accept the “dreaded” word
It is very disheartening to lose on a sale but sometimes “no” doesn't always mean a no. Remain friendly to the customer, remind him his need or find what is stopping him. Check-in with him not to sell, but to know how things are with him until he indicates a resumed level of interest.
Hakuna Matata
Focus on your strengths, don't dwell over something you have no expertise on. Regardless of the pressure and the ambiguity, it is essential to always be professional and real. Contrary to the believes of confidence, transparency and trust, at the end of the day, the prospect is going to turn into a customer if he gets what he is looking for. To avoid selling to the wrong guy, it is always safe to begin assessing which prospects are the right fit for the product you’re trying to sell, as much as it is important for the customer to find your product suitable, it is essential to find out if the product well suits the criteria of the customer.
Very helpful post
Thank you