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RE: Saint Jean Port Joli

in #sailing6 months ago

it connects one closer with the lunar cycle and the pulse of the river;

Perhaps this is the key with sailing in general - to let one's flow be determined by the flow of nature, rather than traffic and work schedules - don't be moaning about tides when some of us are stuck in offices, my love :P

"Only when it comes to a fucking manual!", was my reply.

Hahah sounds like you were both driving each other nuts.

I get the PTSD. I had to have it because, well, I couldn't work. And I had to work. But you couldn't talk abbout it, and still can't, because they stop listening when you try to explain why. You learnt to be quiet, though you so strongly object. And then I had the whole hotel quarantine thing which basically destroyed my nervous system entirely and was so fucking unjust and wrong yet everyoone believed in it and thought you should keep quiet because you had three meals a day and should feel lucky, even though you were imprisoned. Don't even get me started. I shouldn't. I should jsut say how much I GET IT.


... don't be moaning about tides when some of us are stuck in offices, my love :P

Point well taken. The folk along the river reminded me of those of The Wind in the Willows, in the sense that their geographic experience is very unique and something they now take as a normal way or life.

Hahah sounds like you were both driving each other nuts.

There were definitely some bunting of heads.

I get the PTSD.

Always appreciate someone who does.