koom txoos, ib tug floating

in #sagoe7 years ago

Lub Hiav Txwv Liab Yawg Lub Zej Zog yog qhov tseeb tshaj plaws nyob rau hauv lub nroog ntawm Jeddah, Saudi Arabia. Rau Indonesian pilgrims, lub npe Floating Mosque hiav txwv liab li tab sis yog lawv tau txuas mus rau lub mus ntsib daim ntawv teev npaj los ntawm cov organizers ntawm lub Hajj thiab Umrah lub teb chaws.

Txawm hais tias muaj hu los ntawm tsoom fwv ntawm Saudi Arabia hais tias cov los ua ke tsis tau mus Jeddah vim hais tias tsis perhajian nroog, tab sis tseem pilgrims los ntawm ntau lub teb chaws mus saib no Floating Mosque.

Raws li qhov kawg ntawm lub lim tiam, lub Indonesian pilgrims huddled Floating Mosque tshav puam ntawm lub hiav txwv liab txoj cai nyob rau hauv lub lais. Qhov nruab nrab Indonesian lub koom txoos yog xav paub txog qhov no Floating Mosque.

"Chiv mas Floating Mosque. Tab sis tom qab kuv tau txais no, thiaj li nruab nrab. Ntau zoo nkauj Indonesia," hais tias Lasiyanto, ib pab pawg neeg ntawm cov pilgrims yoov (fleet) 29 Solo (SOC), hais reporters Liputan6.com Henry Isab Rubiyanti nyob rau hauv Jeddah, Saudi Saudi, Wednesday, Lub Kaum Hlis 7, 2015 hauv zos lub sijhawm.

Eko Sigit Purwanto, pilgrims los ntawm Tulungagung, East Java kuj txais chiv mas hais txog lub mosque. Tab sis tom qab pom, lub tswv yim tau hloov.

"Qhov ntawd duab ntxoov ntxoo peb xav pilgrimage mus rau lub Hiav Txwv Liab thiab Floating Mosque. Cov duab ntawm peb lub koom txoos, ib tug floating mosque nyob rau hauv lub hiav txwv liab, tab sis nws tsis tau. Kom yog ib tug qhob tuav. Yog chim ndak chim vim hais tias nws tau txais ntawm no," hais tias Eko.

Thaum Wuryati tau hais kom muaj lub tswv yim sib txawv. "Kuv xav tias qhov zoo nkauj yog, thov. Ib txhij mas Floating Mosque," hais tias Wuryati nyob rau hauv prambanan, Yogyakarta.

Hajj pilgrims los ntawm Sleman regency tuaj yeem koom te


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