Today I come to you all with a sad heart....

in #sadness7 years ago


This was my Beautiful baby girl Pebbles. She was 17 years old. Today I had to put her down. I am so was a horrible decision to make...I never had to make this decision before. I had no choice she stopped eating and drinking and after four days at the vet still didn't improve..she stopped walking and was basically living a horrible quality of life.


This is her hiding in the kitchen cabinet at our new house...just 7 days ago. She declined so fast. I got her 14 years ago when she was 3. I remember her being so afraid that she hid under my then mother in laws bed for 2 weeks ...I would just slide food and water under the bed everyday and one day she came out and chose me. She was my cat. She loved me and was by my side always. .even when it irritated me sometimes. I love her so much...I can't stop crying. I guess I'm a blubbering idiot ..but it hurts...she was family .


She was always petite and so sweet and feminine. She knew when I was upset always...she would come lay on me and give me kisses to try and cheer me up...I wish she were here now. I dont mean to be a "Debbie Downer" and this post isnt for money or likes...I have a severe anxiety disorder accompanied with agoraphobia..I don't go out I dont talk to many people and I had nobody to talk to ...and I just feel so heartbroken.

In a week I get an urn with her ashes and a lock of hair.. her handprint ..and a spot for her picture. My eyes and head hurt from crying so much. My heart hurts. If you are reading this..I am sorry for blubbering on..but please understand my pain...goodnight.


That is so sad! A lot of people don't understand that if a pet dies, it's like losing a family member. You just need time to mourn. But also remember the good times, and the fact that you took care of her and gave her a great life! This was her time to go, but she will be in your heart forever.
Whisker kiss from Mau

So sorry to hear that. I am also cat lover :'(

I am sorry to hear that @kayleigh-alesta.
Can't find words to comfort you with. I hope your pain will ease a bit with time.

Thank you...I took a xanax bar earlier to sleep ..but I woke up and started crying again eyes and face hurts...I know time will heal all wounds ...but right now I'm just so heartbroken :(

My heart is with you my dear @kayleigh-alesta. Big Hug

I am very sorry to hear that. Pebbles was a great cat and I am sure you did all you could for her.

Thank you :)

Really sorry to hear about Pebbles. May her soul rest in peace. I recently lost my canine baby Bella. I understand. It is hard to come to terms with their loss. They take a part of us with them. Grow a plant in her name. It heals. Lots of love to your little Pebbles. her energies are always with you :)

Thank You ...and I am sorry for your loss of baby Bella...

❤ take care of yourself .

Thank You :)

It is very sad indeed

I have a little social anxiety too. But you've got to let your heart out. And all of us are with you...

Thank You....

I understand what you are going through. I had my baby Farah pass away as well a few years back. We had been together for almost 5 yrs and what you feel is so understandable. They are not just pets but our family. Just think she will not suffer anymore. Godbless and stay strong. They will forever remain with us and will never be forgotten. 😿💜

Thank you....and I'm sorry for your loss of baby Farah as well....

Thanks. Take care.

I feel so sad to read this.. Similar thing happened to me with my Pipi :(

:( :( I'm sorry about your pipi :(

hummmmm amazing

 7 years ago (edited) Reveal Comment

After not eating or drinking for a couple of days...I took her to the vet and she continued to not eat or drink and declined in health fast. .with being so weak and unable to stand or walk ..she had slowly been losing weight last 6 months ...she was always petite..I figured it was old age slowly creeping up..the vet said no need for thousands of dollars worth of testing her condition was poor life quality. .they said more than likely old age..being as they are familiar with her health history..and asked me what I wanted to do...which was of course her recommendation. .I didn't want her to suffer....I believe I made the kind choice for her..but all I keep thinking is a few hours ago I was holding her in my arms with a heartbeat and now shes gone

 7 years ago  Reveal Comment

Yes...7 days ago we moved in...and yes she moved too

We lived in our prior house 7 years...and yes as I previously stated she was our vet and familiar with her ...when I say thousands of dollars of exams ..I just mean a bunch of overpriced tests that will lead to the same conclusion. ..look I am very upset and just trying to grieve the loss of my baby girl...