Do you consider porn real or fake? Well, if you don’t know then let me tell you. Porn is a presentation of unique sexual ideas with the absence of the element of reality. Porn shows a world completely different from real s3x.
S3x is a passionate way of expressing your feelings without having the need to speak through tongues. Your caresses show it all. It is not just a physical contact but it connects two souls with each other. You can feel the heaven on Earth while being in the arms of your loved one.
Along with these pleasures, there are some unlikeable things about s3x that have never been brought to our view.
Porn doesn’t show all those creepy things that happen while real s3x. Do you want to know what those disgusting things are? I’m sure you do. So let’s see what are the differences between porn and real love making and all the things that happen during real s3x that porn doesn’t show you.
The struggles of real s3x
Yes. This happens but it too uncool to be shown in porn
Sometimes real s3x can go completely brutal yet painful
That’s really creepy and embarrassing
The struggle is real thou
Real s3x struggle version 2.0
Okay? Okay.
Eww! That’s disgusting
Because you have no other choice
That’s a part of the real s3x but porn show something completely opposite
Some real s3x nasty sh*t
Yeah. You heard it right
And the legit extreme pain
Because you can’t just let it stay there for your family or children to see
Yes boy! That’s actually gross
So how did you find it? Disgusting, of course. Imagining porn as the legit way of making love is completely stupid. Nothing can be perfect. So stop fooling yourself and step in the real world which is completely opposite of your thoughts. Accept these things and embrace them to make your lovemaking experience more happening and pleasurable.
Quite amusing