Build a DIY video creator community on SPK network - Test task

in #s3 years ago


This is a test task.

We would need a community builder/manager to build a DIY video creators on SPK network infrastrucuture.

The chosen manager will be responsible for creating an active community of content creators who will specialize in the creation of DIY content on the SPK network.

Specifically, the manager will be in charge of day to day management of the community, recruiting new members and growing the community, community moderation to keep unaccepted content types out.

Line Items
Management of community accounts

The manager will be responsible for managing community accounts on Discord, Telegram and Twitter. The manage will use the aforementioned media to communicate messages across to community members through public or private means

Maximum bid allowable for this milestone is $200

Total anticipated spend for this milestone is $Total anticipated spend not set

Community content creation

he manager will be responsible for creating promotional, educational and informative content centered around the vision of the community and SPK network to be shared within and outside the community

Maximum bid allowable for this milestone is $100

Total anticipated spend for this milestone is $150

SPK Network liaison and support

The manager will serve as a go between (sort of) between SPK network and the community members and be ready at reasonable intervals to provide support and guidance to any community member that might be having difficulties in their usage of the SPK network

Maximum bid allowable for this milestone is $150

Total anticipated spend for this milestone is $170

Accepting bid submissions for how long?
1 days
How do you plan to fund this proposal
Privately(Open Source)
If you wish to submit a bid, please click here



Estimated Cost

Management of community accounts

This line item is estimated to cost $170

Estimated completion time is in undefined days after bid is approved

Management of community accounts

This line item is estimated to cost $170

Community content creation

This line item is estimated to cost $80

Estimated completion time is in undefined days after bid is approved

Community content creation

This line item is estimated to cost $80

SPK Network liaison and support

This line item is estimated to cost $150

Estimated completion time is in undefined days after bid is approved

SPK Network liaison and support

This line item is estimated to cost $150