It's all so beautiful. And it's better than therapy--so restful and satisfying, to create. I think that's why farmers continue to farm, even when that's barely profitable. Creating, season after season. Something from nothing.
My favorite idea, I think, is the pencil. So simple and elegant. Who would think of such a thing, but you :)
Don't work too hard @ruth-girl.
Your fan from across the sea,
Oh thank you @agmoore! 💕
Doing crafts is the best therapy after a busy day. I just feel I'm missing parts of myself when I don't have time to be creative with something, no matter what that may be. For example, today I tried making some mini soaps with soap base, food coloring and essential oils; I loved the procedure easy, quick and fun!
I loved the pencil too! I'm thinking of making some as goodbye gifts for my colleagues when school year ends. Let's see is I can come up with anything else until then.
Thank you for all the support and good words dear transatlantic friend! 🤗
🌷🌷🐕 💛
Be happy, young @ruth-girl, and don't work hard.🌞