I'm a Portuguese native speaker but I always lived fascinated by Russian people and their language. So I made myself one simple goal: Learn one Russian word every day.
As I can help everybody else with this simple task I'll translate it to Portuguese as well.
Keeping up with lesson number two, today's word is: House
In Portuguese: Casa
In Russian: дом (dom)
As in other languages, there are a lot of types of buildings that one could call home, this example just means your regular house. More on other types of houses later.
Privet @amiranda92! Lets not forget that "house" (casa) and "home" (lar) mean different things!
Keep on the good content!
By the way, how do you say until next time in Russian?
Privjet @martusamak, it's all very true. We will explore all those things in future expeditions.
Until next time it's still a bit advanced for me.
But for goodbye we say Прощай (Proshchay)