the problem is that to get to the bottom of the matter, many mi5 and 6 family members will have to be killed. to win this game it's important to find the truth #fsb #putin #mod #justtoknow and who got the truth? those who did it... then from doll to doll until an puppet handler, again doll to doll until finally the source... good. now we can start to talk. noo don't bow, sit, please. the problem is that to reach there there is maybe 500 kids and as many "wives" to kill... I know they will crumble, once all the leaders of the mi5 and 6 are neutralized like the chechens they are.
or as said, when the forest floor is covered in dead frozen bodies, those still alive understand that here it is their last chance to speak... and it is for them, because as long as they are dead soon, it's okay, or the best outcome.
Fight their lies. Be aggressive, be creative, and never, ever give up. If these pricks are going to drive our species into extinction, the least we can do is make it hard for them.
a big lol, as if the HANS had planned for surrender... I think you underestimate the power of a 200 millions men army vs 1000 western oligarchs... they are like flies in a spider web, nutrient stored for coming use.