Russia vs Usa , Who is Stronger , Who is worlds NO/1

in #russia7 years ago


The annual defense budget of Russia is 47 billion dollars ,
which is three point nine percent of their GDP .
The annual defense budget of the United States is
664 billion dollars which is two point
four percent of their GDP.
Russia has a total population of 143 million people
with 47 million who are fit for service .
It has seven hundred sixty-six thousand who are active
frontline personnel and it has 2.5 million who are active
reserve person.
The United States has a total population of 321 million people
with 120 million fit for service.
It has 1.4 million people who are active frontline personnel
and it has 1.1 million or active reserve personnel .

Here is a little comparioson ; USA / RUSSIA

  • Nuclear weapons: 7 200 warheads / 7 500 warheads

  • Tanks: 8 848 / 20 050

  • Armoured fighting vehicles: 46 000 / 30 201

  • Total artillery: 3 269 / 14 533

  • Self-propelled artillery: 950 / 5 943

  • Rocket artillery: 1 197 / 4 020


-Total aircraft: 12 100/ 4 042

-Fighter aircraft: 388 /629

-Multirole aircraf: 2 062 /428

-Helicopters: 5 000/ 1 360

What do you think who is stronger , please comment under this article !