We are witnessing the collapse of Western Civilisation.
The basic rights which underpinned the greatness of the West have been so abused and infringed that it is objectively difficult to tell the difference between the behaviour of Putin and Obama, Biden or Trudeau.
The behaviour of Western leaders over COVID and now Ukraine has so destroyed The People's trust in the system that it is questionable whether the West is really worth saving anymore, and whether anyone will bother defending it when Putin or another tyrant comes calling with tanks and guns.
Because The West has effectively communicated to all its potential enemies that it will only fight when it is easy and the enemy is weak.
It is necessary to reckon that the fundamental essence of the West is the recognition that each of us is equally endowed with human rights, and that all institutional power is delegated by individuals. Since the advent of agriculture enabled collective production, centralization has continually increased it's possession of that delegated power and authority as technological advance has improved productivity.
In biology the relationships between organisms exhibit parallels to the economic relationships underlying civilization. There are commensal relationships of several types, where organisms jointly partake of resources and either provide rewards for their share, or take them offensively. The latter model is called parasitism. Parasites vary in their degree of harm, from barely noticeable to fatal. Commensal resource sharing is neutral, and mutualism is beneficial to both parties.
Metaphorically, government larps as mutualism. In practice what we observe is that government has become maliciously parasitic, and intends the death of the producer, society, in order to replace it with automation. In nature myriad interspecific relationships have demonstrated that parasitism eventually evolves into mutualism because profit advances the fundamental capacity of cooperative species more than parasitism. By instituting global government the NWO eliminates the diversity that enables mutualist economic models to outcompete the utterly rapine parasitic NWO.
In nature parasites that kill the host die. The hubris of psychopaths causes their evil ignorance and rejection of the natural order baked into the laws of physics, into the fundamental structure of the universe itself.
The survival of any economic mechanism outside the globalist NWO literally hell bent on it's universal seizure of the entirety of human economic production potentiates - indeed, mandates - the failure of the parasites. The NWO is contrary to the fundamental nature of reality, and is susceptible to any and every successful development that sustains humanity. It is our robust ability to produce goods and services creating the blessings of civilization that will defeat the NWO.
All we have to do is make what we need, and keep our enemies from taking it.