we live in a dream-state.
maybe it's all augmented.
making reality inside of a piece of sand.
simulations running simulations.
outcomes through rendering outcomes.
chemically driven looping render states.
i'll be straight up with you i'm really excited about the idea of recording clips of my day to day life and having the cloud render and spit out it's idea of what it saw that i did that day.
we certainly have the toolsets, automation, ai capacity to take our current inventory of contents, train it, get it render out ideals, even understand what's going on inside the frame and spit out a location independent reality space.
i miss vlogging but got frustrated of having to be concerned about what's the background of the frame, personal artifacting of self evaluation (body image) i think this could have profound effects for re-training the brain of perceived image of a person too.
i love the abstract nature of this. i'd love to do a few things, upgrade the input/output obviously i'm working with but also use some high end audio, you can forgive a lot of the rendering quality/spacy if you have really nice asmr, maybe it will spawn a new kind of vlogger.
the fact that we have access to these kind of tools these days really blows my mind. that we can spit out, render these things, especially in high quality with simple tools, automations, stick it in the cloud, ideally decentralized with ipfs and beyond.
you could live a life on automatic, taking experiences that you never managed to fit into your life and letting ai self educate itself from existing content, spitting out videos, bringing in the adsense or whatever the currency of attention will eventually turn out too be.
pretty freaking fire stuff.
i'll be playing more with this of course, it's kinda pricy right now at $336 a year to get a PRO account with runwayml but i think it's worth it, especially if i can flip that into youtube content or for clients.
It does allow for gen-1 video creation up to 15 seconds so maybe sixty second videos works best for now, just gonna come up with a combination of current technologies.
of course i get access to all the other tools as well and i've already got some ideas planned for additional revenue stream give away content that other editors can use in their videos. i wonder how long it's gonna be before youtube starts changing the way it pays for attention!
humble x

pinterest epic wins pinboard → brand advocate for nokia, 1000heads, verisign → won vloggie for node666 (san fran 2006) → television for time team history hunters 1999 → sold me.dm to evan williams in april 2011 → went to phil campbell, alabama to help raise money after tornado (was on sky news, bbc news)→ CNN for sxsw 2013 about austin sxsw → video chat with robert scoble → music video can you spot me?
Looks cool and dreamy.