
Hi, I would like very much to contribute and I will post in a few days an article on shoes. Do I have to use a specific hashtag? Let me know :) If we need to communicate, why do not do it though discord app? It would be easier. Steemchat is definetely not working. I cannot sign up.

Anyway, if you feel is easier by Discord please, contact me, I am toofasteddie #0968
Dear @mad-runner , i don't know what's your problem with (please, note that it is not "steemchat" as you wrote, )... You need to post on behalf of @runningproject , to do so , you need to sign as @runningproject so, please contact me and I will give you instructions...

Dear @toofasteddie , steemchat does not send confirmation e-mail for registering, so it is impossible to join there. I sent you a frien request in discord. See you soon there, so we can speak easily