Fifty/seventy runs till May No.7: 2.5 km easy run or I need painkillers. #runforsteem #runningproject

in #running7 years ago

Yesterday I planned to do 10k easy run. Parked my car near the park, planned a perfect route in my mind and started slowly. First kilometer was good enough except that chosen route still had some traces of winter. Won a fight against the icy uphill and moved to clear paths. And then the pain struck my left leg. My leg felt like made of stone. I am still not sure what caused the pain or even what hurts. Is it Periosteum or is it muscle but with every step it was harder to run. I thought 10 k is not so much and I will complete it. But when i noticed that I started to limp decided that it is time to turn around and get back.

Today my leg is better but I think I will skip today training to give some rest. I feel terrible skipping training with 7.5 weeks left to my first 2018 half marathon. I planned to do my first 10k race this year but I have to skip it as well or at least reduce distance to 5k.

Shame on me...

BTW. Please help me to participate in Warsaw Half marathon on March by donating 1 Euro/Pound/Dollar through the link below. I promise you a lot of picture (not from track) and some stories :)

my Tuesdays shame

Gear: Nike Structure 20 + Polar M400 with H7 heart strap
Days till May - 90 || Workouts left - 63 || Kilometers done - 50.04 kmWorkout on Strava:

You can help me to participate in Warsaw Half marathon by donating to Amnesty International here. Every Euro/Dollar/Zloty is appreciated.

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There's no shame resting an injury. Give your leg a break - you have plenty of time to be ready for your half. If you make the injury worse by pushing on, you might not make the startline.

True. Problem is that I had a surgery in Autumn and get back to running only from 1st of January. I don't feel ready for the HM yet. Hope everything will be ok :)

Rest up for a couple of days and then try again. Try to be patient. Hope it recovers quickly.

The day has only 23 hours and not 24, do you know why? Because one hour is booked always for running.
@runningproject quote

Resteemed by @runningproject

STAY TUNED WITH @runningproject , something good is coming!

Injures are part of the athlete's life. Rest, maybe go to the physiotherapist, try with cold baths (only the leg) :-) and eat well.
You will get recovered faster

I expected to complete preparation till March without injuries. Mission failed :D

It's probably better to rest a few days than running with the pain and worsen it!

It is hard to sit and watch others running :D

Yeah true! I did the same this week but I going to run today despite de bad weather.