origami work yesterday. In the afternoon I had a nice stroll through the town bathing in sun and closed it with one beer in the local pub. While in a pub I noticed one young man reading a book while having a beer... And I recalled this during my run... read on...
This is a photo of me running on 18.4.2017 by the fence of a dilapidated sports stadium in Ljubljana. It was taken by @blockchain48 exactly one year ago. We probably talk more about negative aspects of the weather, this time I will do the opposite. Last year on 18th of April it was very cold for this time of year for our country - it was only 4 degrees Celsius (average daily and the warmest daily was 7 degrees Celsius). This year we have a beautiful, warm, spring weather and on 18th of April 2018 was 14 degrees Celsius (average), with the warmest part of the day on 22 degrees Celsius. I am really enjoying this nice weather! Other than weather... I did some
Question for you: "What is the current temperature where you run?"
Seeing people who read books in public has become rare.
I had a day off, but I wanted to go fast. I mean fast for me. Prior to the run, I watched a TV interview with our biathlete Jakov Fak and it was a great motivation for my late run! Yes, and I was also contemplating during the run how it just happens to be really unusual to see people in public reading books. We are staring into mobile phones or tablets and maybe in newspaper or magazine. Really rarely I see people who still read a book... It is just an observation fact about changed reality.
I've been running each and every day since the end of May 2016. The Running Streak continues and you can see and follow my daily pics also here: daily runs since 30th of May 2016.
Three Hearts half-marathon on 19th of May and
Bovec half-marathon on 15th of September.
I am honored, happy and proud to be part of Runningproject''The Steem Running Project: Introductory Post'' and The Steem Running Project 7th Status Report. Kindly invited to apply for an approved runner! You will meet runners on Steemit, exchange valuable information and experience and you can even get Isotonic after your run(ning) post!. @runningproject is a diverse community of runners on Steemit. For more information about the @runningproject please read
You might get a better picture of who I am if you read some of my other posts:
In few words...
My main topic here is running#runforsteem challenge. I also post about origami and GTD (Getting Things Done).
- I prepared a post about my life journey on the area of finding an ideal job for me: If I could be anything, I would be....
- My core daily habit is running. If you do not run yet and would like to try it... I've written a blog: Manual for wannabe runners, where you can find tips and tricks, how to start running.
- As a Streak Runner, I wanted to share more information about this specific running approach. You can read more about Streak Running in my blog: All you wanted to know about Running Streak - part 1, part 2 and part 3.
- I am revealing about my first steps in running arena in this post: How I started to run or can a workaholic and sedentary couch potato become a marathon runner?.
- I am certified GTD trainer so occasionally I write about Gettint Things Done methodology.
- I love origami and here is my post about the art of folding papers or what anybody should know about it.
- This was my introduction post on Steemit: 2018 is here! Any New Year's resolutions? And who am I to write about this?.
#streakrunningday686 #runner #mother #girlfriend #friend #daughter #sister #vegan #steemian #origamicreator #origami #gtdmastertrainer #gtd #gettingdailyrunsdone #bizinsakiden #findyourstrong #runningproject #runforsteem #vsakodnevnitek #runeveryday #runstreak #streakrunner #veganrunners #runningonplants #plantpowered #plantstrong #veganstrong #compassionarhlete #minimalism #catlover #sealover #coffeelover #sincereconversationfanSo to be short and sweet, my introduction in #-form would look like this:
I do appreciate your comments with added value, upvotes, and resteems!
I thought you changed your shoes, where are they?
He he... you should not only watch the photo but also read the blog ;) This pic is from exactly one year ago. I am explaining in the text how cold it was...
No worries ;)
Hi it is getting warm in central Florida. Tonight when I run it will be around 28 degree and 44% humidity. A bit warm for me.
Yes, this is a bit too hot already... We have pleasant 20 in the evening. I love this part of the year... ideal for running!
great report,
current temp :23C in Gruitrode Belgium
Have a great Running day!
Hi there fellow runner! So similar as here: current temperature is 22C... so pretty much the same :) I see you run. If you have already found out the information about running project - fine. If not:
''The Steem Running Project: Introductory Post'' and The Steem Running Project 7th Status Report. Kindly invited to apply for an approved runner! I am sure you will be interested in @runningproject here on steemit. It is a diverse community of runners on steemit. For more information about the @runningproject please read
8 degrees close to Oslo, Norway.
This is better than 4C but still cold... :)
Yes, I was in the Netherlands for a couple of days earlier this week and it was 25 degrees and sunny! I wanted so desperately to run in shorts again.
These days are the ideal ones... not too hot, not cold anymore. I love every run... just came back from today's one!
Ah... the joy of running... just go and run!
Vote for your running author of the week 12!
Resteemed by @runningproject