Fear and anxiety on splinterlands Runi Whitelist!
Ok … that might be a little drastic for my first post ever here on hive .. but it is true....
Let me start off by saying that i have been playing splintelands for about 2 years and I think it’s a fantastic game run by awesome Leadership (Agro and Matt) and spetacular team ,yet these last few days (since the RUNI announcement) I been feeling a little too much axious.... why? Let me try to explain.
For those who weren't paying attention yesterday.. AKA SPLINTERLANDS FOMO DAY... several things happened … as stated by AGRO
First was the huge success on the launch of the pre-release of Riftwachers!
Sold out on the first minute (first 500.000 packs would have chance on getting a copy of the promo rare with GUARANTEED a promo card for every 50 packs purchased )
Because it’s a smaller set its understandable that only the first 500K packs would get a card... just keep in mind that all 500.000 pre-sale sold on the first few secconds.
Then another FOMO took place… after 3 days that the main Youtubers commented about the nodes... and the underappreciation of the voucher (Seling for under US$0.70 ) placing the APR of the node go to 124.7% (09-14)..
(Shout out to stever82 , hawks21 , Dwayne Cunningham , Bulldog1205 , Furious Chicken)
Nodes started going out like crazy...no serious investment has that high APR rigt now.
Sooo yesterday the FOMO took over.... Everyone wanted in ..in about 12 hours it had dropped from 1400 to only 500 licenses.
They were flying ... one hour later....
Less then a minute later...
We are onto Tranche 2 nodes.🤯just like that
So far everything is great … and the splinterlands teams deserves all the laurels to the team.
But here is my concern … even with all this action …
Voucher prices kept dropping (not being impacted by the riftwachers sale or node fomo)
That being sad … I would like to address the next limited opportunity... the RUNI whitelist
As stated on “Introducing the Runicore!”
There will be only 2000 whitelist spots available through the Splinterlands website
And each will go for 100 vouchers.
In total 200,000.00 vouchers to be used and Vouchers are released at a rate of 40,000.00 a day …. there will be plenty of vouchers around to balance the white list...
Going back to my old ETH DROP DAYS .. and the feelings I have for them .
If you have not yet tried to get a FOMO DROP on the Blockchain you have not felt anxiety level over 9000!
The worst feeling ever... is to get the funds ready … be on time … see that counter reach 00: 00 … and not being able to buy what you were hyped to get into!!!
And then you get FRUSTRATION over 9000!
To say the worst … the space has converted into a botwar mafia... there are BOT services used to purchase the NFT on time …. a quick search and you will find several posts bragging about 80% of the TOTAL suply got the NFT by using the service.
So here is the deal … if the BOT army that buys drops to sell them on open sea joins the hype.. We have no chance … they will buy them all instantly and sell the commons floor price at 2x original value and legendary ones at 100X.
If the team decides to restrict the accounts that can purchase to accounts created before the announcement and 1 per account we might have a chance to get ours ... because i realy want mine.
I know i speak out of fear of not getting my Runi ... but i have seen too many ETH launches to say its the fast high speed internet savy guy who is able to get it .
I don’t believe the splinterland team is intentionally doing anything to harm the player base.. Yet I got the shivers on this one... 2000 white spaces wont last 5 seconds... and as a Splinterlands player I am going to be super upset if I lose my spot to some kind of autmated sistem … that only wants to profit on the drop.
As i finish writing this post ... Agro droped the following statement:
"A third problem is that the mad rush of the sale excluded some of our community members. Those that aren't able bodied couldn't all participate even if they were there on time and made a good honest effort. Some internet speeds vary and those with poor internet can be completely excluded."
and a proposal to adjust the future drops and regarding RUNI.."We will include other mechanisms for those types of sales that will attempt to make them as fair and accessible as reasonably possible."
So i hope we can figure out something by next week ...
If you have any ideas and sugestions on how we could assure that the RUNI go to players that are invested in the game leave the comment bellow ...
Best of luck to all on whitelist.
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