A Grateful Heart from Run for Resilience

in #run6 years ago

During the 2018 Run For Resilience we were supported by the amazing Team at Run Down Under.

I approached Travis just a few short weeks prior to when R4R was due to begin to see if we could use the Run Down Under app to allow supporters to "virtually" run the route from Brisbane to Winton with me.

Without hesitation, he jumped at the opportunity to be involved, the outcome was amazing!

Please support the people who support R4R, if you aren't a member of Run Down Under then check out the video below and get involved with this epic community!

~ Wayne


An awesome morning today heading up to Eungella for a run with the The Lost Bunyips (Mackay Trail Runners).

Checking out the damage done by the recent fires, spotting Platypus and Turtles, but do you want to know the best part?

It was getting back into nature, seeing the regrowth that is pushing through already and seeing that given the right conditions, even the toughest, most catastrophic events can be overcome!

~ Wayne


As we Celebrate Christmas and head towards the end of 2018, I want to thank the many people who; over the last 12 months have played a huge part in my personal growth journey. I want to thank those who have contributed to the concept that inevitably became my vision and then a reality.
Run For Resilience (R4R), A Veterans story of finding resilience on the journey home from war.
2018 was the year that I learnt a lot about myself. I learnt that I was vastly more capable than I could have ever imagined, I also learnt that there were others who also believed in purpose that was greater than the individual.
It all started with a chance meeting with Tom Hickman the founder of Bali Hope and competing in the Bali Hope Ultra in May. It was this event and seeing how so many people from around the world, from different walks of life, with different values, ideals, hopes and aspirations could all come together for a common cause; that was greater than the individual and even greater than the sum of the whole Team.
Our purpose was the foundation on which a sacred bond would form.
I knew that communities who committed themselves to long periods of adversity & austerity were special. From experiences during my years in the Australian Army, to working in remote PNG as a volunteer with YWAM Ships - Australia, into Endurance Running and beyond I knew it took a special type of person who would put the welfare of others above themselves but there was something I was missing!
It wasn't until the 1st of September, the first day of the brutal 1500km, 22 day Journey from the capital of QLD, Brisbane to Central West Town of Winton, Queensland that I realised what it was.
What I realised was that these communities were built on a foundation and created through a the bond that comes from having a shared purpose. It's a special bond that can only be formed by shared experiences, extended periods of adversity and austerity, where not only do you have to rely on another person, but they also rely on you.
Only when you are willing to sacrifice for others without thought or regard for your own safety or well being in order to see them not just survive, but to thrive; then and only then can you find fulfilment.
I give thanks to the people who helped me to do more than just survive. Those who heled me transition into a period where I am able to Thrive!
Firstly, to my entire family! Mum, Dad, My Brother Colin and most of all Fee, My Sister who was along for the entire crazy ride that actually began well before Campfire Sessions with Fee Mc. My Nieces Teal, Tia and Ari and Scotty my Brother from another Mother, thank you all for being the pillars of support that I could depend on when my resolve faltered;
My Military Family (there's a lot of you)! All those who are still serving and those who are no longer in uniform. It is with you whom I formed that sacred bond!
To the Southern Family, thank you for letting me take over your house (on more than one occasion). Paul Franklin, Mil and Leith who came out to middle of nowhere QLD to crew on R4R.
To everyone else who served that has shared this Journey home, Thank you;
To My Charity Partners Andy and Zoe Cullen and the amazing Team at Resurrected Surviving PTSD, thank you for seeing my vision (Michelle Edwards, thank you for the introduction x) and for being one of the driving force that helped to make it all happen;
The Oasis Townsville Crew, John Caligari, Anita Brooker, Floss Foster and all members of the Veteran Community in Townsville, Queensland, I am forever grateful for all your support;
Terry McNally of 3 Elements Coffee and Ex Defence integration team - EDit, your coffee, collaboration and ongoing support has been immeasurable;
Bradley and Brodie of Brad & Brodie Music, thank you for you amazing talents and ceaseless energy (and congratulations on expecting the birth of your first born xx);
Closer to home, I want to give a special thank you to Luke Taylor (Ex-President) of RSL Mackay Sub Branch Inc and every member of the RSL Queensland, those sub-branch members who welcomed us into their homes and their lives you were all an integral part of our journey home;
Tony Ferris (President of RSL Q) and everyone at Anzac House in Brisbane, Queensland, Australia, your support helped pave the way for our connection with the sub-branches and facilitated the connection with media in regional areas along our route that allowed us to spread the word of the struggle that Veterans and Veterans Families face;
To my friends, mentors and coaches; Rhonda & Brian Swan, Calvin Coyles & The YWS Team, Charley Valher and the members of The Association your advice on this journey has been invaluable;
Baron Walton, the amazing man behind the lense who curated the R4R video you are a master videographer, a special thankyou for capturing the heart and soul of my message!
Kim Barrett, Kristy Smith and Nita Manuphan from the Team at Your Social Voice and Chris Benetti from the The Funnel Division, you are all legends!
I know there will be many who I have missed by name but know that you are all in my heart for being part of this epic Journey Home from War.
To every one of the sponsors, supporters, friends and followers of the Run for Resilience, I wish you all a very Merry Christmas and a Happy, Prosperous New Year!
NJF Wellness Mackay & Whitsundays Orange Mud Orange Mud Australia Tailwind Nutrition Australia Hillbilly Endurance Run Down Under On The Run Fred Smith
In 2019 Run For Resilience will be asking for your support again. I hope that you can again answer the call 🙏
Love & Respect,
~ Wayne

An article in the Swedish Press about two of the competitors in the Bali Hope Swim Run that I recently took part.

It's in Swedish, but you can view it in English 😂

~ Wayne
