Tiny d10: A Free, Tiny RPG

in #rpg7 years ago

For a few years now, I've been developing Tiny d10 - a free, rules-light alternative to complex tabletop RPGs like Dungeons & Dragons or Pathfinder. Like these games, Tiny d10 is a traditional tabletop RPG, wherein a game master guides two-to-six players through epic adventures across fantastical landscapes of imagination. Unlike these games, however, Tiny d10 is small: the core rules can be read in 20 minutes, and a character generated in 10. Further advantages include quick action resolution with just a single 10-sided die, a variety of classes and races, and a growing library of game content!

I think it will fit in nicely here on Steemit. So without further delay, I present to you the full, unabridged, and forever free Tiny d10: Core Rules.

Please find the printable rules here.

To play Tiny d10, you'll need:

  • One game master (GM)
  • Two-to-six players
  •  One 10-sided die (1d10)
  • Several pencils
  • character sheet for each player.

The steps below will guide you through character creation and rules of play.

Creating a Character

Each player will create a character whom they will use to interact with the fantasy worlds of Tiny d10. These characters will embark upon adventures and quests, gaining allies and slaying enemies in search of fame, fortune, or perhaps something more.

During character creation, consider things like your character’s appearance, background, and unique life experiences.

Step 1: Choose your race.

Race determines a character’s general appearance, as well as special racial abilities.

Dragonlings are ancient, draconic humanoids. They are fiercely loyal and believe the world to be black-and-white, making them great allies and fearsome enemies. They are tall, broad-shouldered, and clad in thick scales that come in a variety of colors. Dragonlings can live for more than 350 years.

Dragonlings gain the following racial bonuses:

+1 to intimidate; -1 to magical attacks against the dragonling; +1 to power at levels 1, 3, and 5; one breath weapon:

  • Fire - target suffers +1 damage per round; toughness 5 intellect check to extinguish.
  • Ice - target suffers -1 attack per round; toughness 5 power/aspect check to thaw.
  • Lightning - up to 5 targets suffer 1 damage.
  • Poison - target suffers -1 attack damage per round; toughness 5 aspect check to cure.

Dwarfs are mountain-and-cave dwelling humanoids. They are willful and determined, well-suited to the life of adventure. They are short, wide-framed, and nearly always bearded. Dwarfs can live for more than 150 years.

Dwarfs gain the following racial bonuses:

Earns double experience points against large monsters; +1 to craft; -1 to natural magical attacks against the dwarf; +1 hit point per level.

Elves are ancient humanoids. They are wise and thoughtful, and adhere to a variety of philosophies and schools of thought. They are tall, athletic, and  often wear their fair hair in a long style. Elves can live for more than 500 years.

Elves gain the following racial bonuses: 

+1 to perception checks; +1 damage to evil creatures; immune to poisons; +1 intellect at levels 1, 3, and 5.

Gnomes are forest-dwelling humanoids. They are very friendly and sociable, and enjoy the company of others, often entertaining with Gnomish song and dance. They are exceedingly short with a compact frame, and males wear a long grey beard - regardless of their age. Gnomes are thought to be undying.

Gnomes gain the following racial bonuses:

See up to 50’ in the dark; +1 to hide; -1 to melee attacks against the gnome; +1 reflex at levels 1, 3, and 5.

Halfings are mysterious humanoids. They are intensely private and reclusive, though when among companions are warm and personable. They are short, slender-framed, and have youthful faces - regardless of their age. Halflings can live for more than 130 years.

Halflings gain the following racial bonuses:

See up to 100’ in low-light; +1 to sneak; -1 to ranged attacks against the halfling; +1 power point per level.

Humans are typically the most prevalent race. They are hardy and dutiful, true to their cultures and their peoples. They are average to tall height, athletic to muscular build, and their appearance varies culturally. Humans can live for more than 90 years.

Humans gain the following racial advantages:

+1 damage to natural creatures; +1 to persuade; +1 to any skill; +1 aspect a levels 1, 3, and 5.

Step 2: Choose your class.

Class determines a character’s general skills and proficiencies, as well as special class abilities.

Bards are masters of music and lore, charismatic and quick-footed.

Toughness 6; uses lightweight weapons only; uses no armor; +3 power points.

Bards begin with the following class abilities:

  • Cutting limerick - one target suffers -2 toughness for your level amount of rounds. Cost: 1 power point.
  • Healing song - fully heal one creature. Cost: 4 power points.
  • Power song - has one of the following effects (lasts your level amount of rounds):
    • Hypnotism (aspect challenge to resist). Cost: 4 power points.
    • Inspiration (+1 to ally rolls). Cost: 2 power points.
    • Slumber (aspect challenge to resist). Cost: 3 power points.

Barbarians are wild and war-loving, bold and mighty.

Toughness 8; uses heavyweight weapons & below; uses no armor; +3 hit points.

Barbarians begin with the following class abilities:

  • Bloody rage - at or below half your total hit points, you gain +1 toughness, +1 damage, and +1 power.
  • Deathless - if an attack reduces your hit points to 0, force the attacker to conduct a power challenge against you. If you win, cancel all damage. If they win, cancel all damage at the cost of 4 power points.
  • Unwavering will - roll again. Cost: 3 power points.

Druids are defenders of the wild, wielders of powerful natural magic.

Toughness 5; uses mediumweight weapons & below, no axes; uses mediumweight armor & below, no metal armors; +1  power point, +2 magic points.

Druids begin with the following class abilities:

  • Animal form - choose an animal and  take its form. Requires 1 combat round for transformation. Cost: 1 power point.
  • Spell-casting (natural) - starts with 3 spells and may cast natural spells for their cost in magic points; magical spells cost an additional +1  magic point.
  • Wild Growth - your animal form grows to a significant size; grants +2 hit points and +1 attack bonus. Requires 1 combat round to grow, and lasts for your level + 1d10 rounds. Cost: 2 power point.

Rogues are outlaws and rebels, quick-thinking and fast-acting.

Toughness 6; uses mediumweight weapons & below; uses lightweight armor only; +1 hit points, +2  power points.

Rogues begin with the following class abilities:

  • Deflect projectiles - all projectile attacks against you are challenge rolls. If you succeed the challenge, the projectile is deflected.
  • Evade - dodge an attack. Cost: 2 power points.
  • Sneak attack - add your level as a bonus to attempts to sneak up on and attack an opponent; if you succeed, the attack deals an additional +1 damage.

Warriors are masters of combat and arms, mighty and commanding.

Toughness 7; uses heavyweight weapons & below; uses heavyweight armor & below; +2 hit points, +1 power point.

Warriors begin with the following class abilities: 

  • Power strike - use power points to increase damage by 1 per point spent.
  • Defensive rush - at any time, rush to the aid of an ally within 30 feet and stop a successful attack against them. If you succeed a challenge roll against their attacker, the damage is canceled; if failed, you take the damage. Cost: 2 power points.
  • Weapon proficiency - gain either +1 damage or +1 attack when using a weapon style of your choice.

Wizards are students of the magical arts, wise and cunning spell-casters.

Toughness 5; uses lightweight weapons only; uses featherweight armor only; +3 magic points.

Wizards begin with the following class abilities:

  • Spell-casting (magical) - starts with 4 spells, and may cast magical spells for their cost in magic points; natural spells cost an additional 1 magic point.
  • Prestidigitation - creates a minor magical effect like colored smoke, blinking lights, disembodied noises, and more.
  • Stunning spell - any attack spell will also have the stun effect (target loses 1 turn). Cost: 1 power point.

Step 3: Assign your character’s attribute scores.

Attributes determine a character’s physical strength, charisma and wisdom, awareness and intelligence, and agility. Attribute scores are added as bonuses to rolls. 5 is the highest, indicating complete mastery, while 0 is the lowest, indicating average proficiency.

Characters begin with the following scores: 2, 1, 1, and 0. Assign each score to the attribute of your choosing.

Aspect is a measure of consciousness and natural charisma. Added as a bonus during things like persuading or convincing someone, detecting dishonesty, or intimidating someone. Additionally, the aspect score is added as a bonus when casting natural spells.

Intellect is a measure of mental acuity and sharpness. Added as a bonus during things like disarming a trap, determining if you have learned or know something, or trying to decode an ancient language. Additionally, the intellect score is added as a bonus when casting magical spells.

Power is a measure of physical strength. Added as a bonus during things like breaking down a dungeon door, swimming against a river, or wrestling an unruly beast to the ground. Additionally, the power score is added as a bonus when making melee attacks.

Reflex is a measure of speed, dexterity, and reaction. Added as a bonus during things like dodging a rolling boulder, jumping across a chasm, or navigate rough terrain. Additionally, the reflex score is added as a bonus when making ranged attacks, or melee attacks with lightweight weapons.

Step 4: Assign hit points and power points.

Divide 10 points between hit points and power points.

Hit points (HP) represent the amount of damage a character can take before dying. When hit points are reduced to 0, a character is unconscious and dying.

Power points (PP) are added to challenge and check rolls to improve the likelihood of success; may only spend one point per roll (unless otherwise noted).

Step 5: Generate magic points.

When creating a spell-casting character, roll 1d10 to determine your starting magic points.

On a roll of:

  • 1-5 | 4 magic points
  • 6-9 | 5 magic points
  • 10 | 6 magic points

Magic points (MP) represent the total amount of magical power available to magic-users; it is spent when casting spells.

Playing the Game

With your completed character in hand, it’s time to play the game. Much of this will be in the form of roleplaying, and will rely on a player’s acting, wit, and quick thinking. Such interactions will often not require die rolls. However, there will be times when rolls are unavoidable. Any attempt to do something that requires skill to succeed, or that could result in failure - like breaking down a dungeon door or navigating a twisting forest labyrinth - requires a check.


When attempting to do something that could result in failure (fording a raging river, staying astride a frightened horse, or hearing the soft footsteps of approaching enemies), a check should be made. To make a check, roll 1d10 and add the relevant bonuses.

There are two types of checks:

Action checks consist of attempts to perform an action like climb a tower, dodge a falling rock, or hide in a nearby bush. These include attack rolls, toughness checks, saves, and more.

The following is an example of an action check:

Your character Alanthea, the level 1 rogue, approaches the towering cliffside. The goblin’s trail has led her this far, and she is determined to end the hunt.

The rock face before her, while some 75 feet tall, has generous handholds and a rough surface that’s easy to grasp, making the climb a simple toughness of 4 (toughness 4 power/reflex check).Using 1d10, you roll a 4, and add Alanthea’s reflex bonus (since her reflex attribute is highest of the two) of 2 for a total of 6. Alanthea easily scales the wall, and at its peak finds the fresh trail of her quarry.

Perception checks consist of attempts to perceive something, like seeing hidden or obscured objects, or hearing hushed voices or furtive movements. Perception checks are performed by rolling 1d10 and adding the intellect attribute bonus. Skill bonuses from spot or listen may also be added.

The following is an example of a standard perception check:

After several leagues through the thick forest, Alanthea loses the goblin’s trail. She stops to more closely examine the forest floor. To do so, make a perception check.

Using 1d10, you roll a 7, and add Alanthea’s intellect bonus of 1 for a total of 8. Alanthea quickly spots the goblin’s hasty attempt to cover its tracks - a simple feat with a toughness of 5 (toughness 5 perception check). She is again on the hunt.

A check’s toughness represents all the factors that make it difficult. In combat, these are things like an opponent’s skill, dexterity, and defenses; in action, these are things like terrain, environmental conditions, and other variables.

Check Toughness

To determine a check’s toughness, consider the following:

T4-T6 | simple toughness - easy checks; climbing a wall with large handholds, or attacking weak opponents like goblins.

T7-T8 | moderate toughness - challenging checks; swimming against a strong current, or attacking well-trained opponents like castle guards.

T9-T10 | difficult toughness - hard checks; sneaking into a well-guarded court, or attacking large opponents like giants.

T11-T12 | extreme toughness - even harder checks; controlling a ship during a gale, or attacking powerful opponents like dragons.

T13-15 | impossible toughness - unimaginably hard checks; mounting and flying a wild dragon, or fighting a demi-god.


When there is risk of immediate death, dismemberment, or similarly dire consequences, a save should be made. A standard save is performed by rolling 1d10 and adding relevant attribute bonuses and/or skill bonuses to the result. Succeeding a save immediately cancels any deadly effects, but may still cause serious injury. A standard save has a toughness of 5, but certain conditions (like spells, effects, or environmental factors) can change that.


When two characters attempt the same thing at the same time, a challenge should be performed. A challenge is performed by each character rolling 1d10 and adding relevant attribute bonuses and/or skill bonuses to the result. The results are then compared, and the highest of the two succeeds the challenge.


Combat begins according to reflex scores: highest first, lowest last. Ties should be settled with 1d10.

The following is an example of a standard combat turn:

Alanthea draws her dagger and stands, at last, face to face with her opponent: a snarling goblin with a scar drawn from his forehead to his chin.

She makes an attack roll using 1d10 and, since she's using a dagger, adds her reflex score. She rolls a 6, and adds her bonus of 2, for a total of 8. The goblin has a toughness of 5 (T5) and 1 HP, and Alanthea viciously slashes his throat, dealing 1 damage. He dies instantly.

Movement in Combat

All classes are moderate in speed and may move only up to their maximum speed range per turn. Environmental factors (like storms or difficult terrain) may affect that maximum speed.

Slow: 10-20 ft | Moderate: 20-30 ft | Fast: 30+ ft

Simplified Combat Rules

  • One round consists of all combatants' turns, and represents roughly 5 seconds.
  • Only 1 attack/spell per turn (unless otherwise noted).
  • Only one move sequence per turn (unless otherwise noted).
  • Less significant actions, like talking, may be done freely.
  • Damage is typically 1, though may be more.
  • Ranged and small weapon attacks use reflex; magical spells use intellect; natural spells use aspect; melee attacks use power.

Combat Advantage

Under certain circumstances, a character may receive a +1 attack bonus if they are in an advantageous position. However, if the attack does not succeed, a negative condition may be imposed.


Standard healing restores 1 hit point (as well as power and magic points) per successful T6 intellect check (unless the character possesses the heal skill, which succeeds automatically). During combat, an attack action must be forfeit to heal. Out of combat, characters may make 2 heal checks per in-game hour. If characters do not or cannot heal, they automatically heal at a rate of 1 hit points per 2 in-game hours.

Additionally, a quick rest of 2-3 in-game hours will restore 3 hit points, magic points, and power points.


At 0 hit points, characters are considered immobilized and dying. After 4 turns at 0 hit points, they will expire.

Leveling Up

Characters begin as level 1 folks, and advance by earning experience points (XP). Experience points are earned by slaying/defeating opponents (usually giving between 1-5 XP), but also by succeeding checks in spectacular and heroic ways (usually giving 1 XP). Experience points are lost upon advancement and must be gained anew.

As characters gain levels, their powers and strengths improve. The levels are:

Level 2: Explorer (25 XP)

  • +1 skill, +1 class ability, +2 spells (if applicable), +1 to any attribute, +1 weapon proficiency.
  • +2 power points or +3  magic points.

Level 3: Adventurer (75 XP)

  • +1 class ability, +2 spells (if applicable), +1 to any attribute.
  • +2 hit points or +1 toughness.
  • +2 power points or +3  magic points.

Level 4: Hero (150 XP)

  • +1 skill, +1 spell (if applicable), +1 class ability.
  • Hero’s Resolve (ability): roll again if the result is 1.

Level 5: Legend (250 XP)

  • +1 skill, +2 bonus to any attribute(s).
  • Hero’s Presence (ability): force opponents to make an aspect challenge when attempting to attack you; if they fail, they suffer -1 to their attack.


Skills are specific competencies and can only be used in specific scenarios. For example: the spot skill can be used in a perception check to see something; the persuade skill can be used in an aspect check to convince someone of something.

When used, skills add a +1 bonus to checks. Skills can be used in combat, but not for combat. The following is a list of skills:

Added as a bonus to aspect checks:

  • Detect (must be specific: detect magic, detect motive, etc)
  • Heal
  • Intimidate
  • Persuade

Added as a bonus to intellect checks:

  • Craft
  • Know (must be specific: know history, know theology, etc)
  • Spot
  • Listen

Added as a bonus to reflex checks: 

  • Acrobatics
  • Conceal (must be specific: conceal item, conceal motive, etc)
  • Hide
  • Sneak


The value of currency is simple and equivalent to the U.S. dollar (though easily converted to any currency form):

1 gold piece (gp) = $10 USD | 1 silver piece (sp) = $5 USD | 1 copper piece (cp) = $1 USD


Adventurers are likely to encounter great dangers in their travels, necessitating a dependable weapon (or two). Some common weapons include:

Melee Weapons

  • Axe - mediumweight (MW); +1 attack.
  • Axe, war - heavyweight (HW); +1 attack, +1 damage.
  • Dagger - lightweight (LW).
  • Flail - MW; +1 damage.
  • Gauntlet - MW; +1 attack.
  • Greatsword - HW; -1 attack, +2 damage.
  • Hammer - MW; +1 attack, +1 damage.
  • Polearm - HW; +2 attack.
  • Rapier - LW; +2 attack (only when versus a LW or MW sword).
  • Shield, large - HW; -2 attack, +2 toughness.
  • Shield, medium - MW; -1 attack, +1 toughness.
  • Short sword - LW.
  • Spear - HW; opponents suffer -1 to melee attacks against you.
  • Staff - LW.

Ranged Weapons

  • Axe, hand - LW; +1 attack; range: 40 feet.
  • Arrow (flaming) - +1 damage, -1 attack per round (T5 intellect check to extinguish).
  • Arrow (poison) - +1 damage per round.
  • Blowgun - LW; range: 40 feet.
  • Bow - MW; range: 100 feet.
  • Caltrops - +1 damage, half speed for 1d5 rounds.
  • Crossbow - LW; +1 attack; range: 75 feet.
  • Javelin - HW; +2 damage; range: 30 feet.
  • Longbow - HW; +1 damage; range: 150 feet.
  • Shortbow - LW; range: 50 feet.
  • Throwing dagger - LW; range: 30 feet.
  • Whip - LW; on a roll of 10, the target is bound and loses 1 turn; range: 10 feet.
  • Sling - LW; range: 50 feet.


There are two types of effects armor can have: temporarily increasing hit points, and/or temporarily increasing toughness. A small sample of available armor types is listed below:

  • Chainmail - MW; +1 hit points, +1 toughness.
  • Leather, heavy - MW; +2 hit points.
  • Leather, light - LW; +1 hit points.
  • Platemail - HW; +1 hit points, +2 toughness; -5 feet from movement speed.
  • Scalemail - HW; +2 hit points, +1 toughness; -5 feet from movement speed.


Magic is conjured using magic points (MP). Typically, only characters that possess the spell-casting ability can use magic.

Unless otherwise specified, spells are a guaranteed success.

Casting Toughness

Some spells, or certain conditions, may impose a casting toughness on the spell-caster, which works as a standard toughness check.

Spell Saves

Some spells allow the target to make a save before having an effect. Each spell-caster has a spell save, which is equal to their character level + casting attribute bonus (aspect or intellect) + 3.

Spells List

The below lists comprise a basic collection of magical and natural spells.

Magical Spells

Magical spells are best cast by wizards, use the intellect bonus, and are learned through the long study of ancient tomes and grimoires. 

  • Animate statue - 1 statue follows basic commands; T4, 5 HP. Cost: 3 magic points.
  • Animate trap - 1 inanimate object (book, drawer, furniture, etc) becomes a trap; springs on a condition you set and:
    • deals 1d5 damage; or 
    • traps victim in place for 1d5 rounds. Perception check versus caster's spell save to detect. Cost: 2 magic points.
  • Ball of light - a powerfully luminous orb. Cost: 0 magic points.
  • Bind - 1 inanimate object (door, shoe, weapon, etc) becomes immovable; lasts for your level amount of minutes, or T10 power check to break. Cost: 2 magic points.
  • Charm person - 1 person regards you warmly as an old friend. Cost: 1 magic point.
  • Create magic item - creates 1 magic item (weapon, jewelry, clothing, etc) and imbues it with the power any spell you know; T8 intellect check to succeed, takes several hours to create. Cost: 3 magic points.
  • Deep sleep - 1d10 + your level creatures fall into a deep sleep for your level amount of rounds; aspect challenge versus caster's spell save to resist. Cost: 3 magic points.
  • Detect thoughts - hear the active thoughts of 1 target (may not affect all creatures). Cost: 1 magic point.
  • Dispel magic - eliminates a magical effect. Cost: 2 magic points.
  • Dumbstruck - 1 target suffers a 1d5 penalty to intellect for 1d5 rounds; target may save versus caster’s spell save. Cost: 2 magic points.
  • Featherfall -  an object up to your level x 50 pounds will fall slowly as a father. Cost: 1 magic point.
  • Fireball - deals 1d5 damage on successful attack roll. Cost: 2 magic points.
  • Heal - restores 1d5 hit points. Cost: 2 magic points.
  • Invisibility - 1 target is invisible for 1d10 rounds. Cost: 1 magic point.
  • Mage armor - add your level as a bonus to toughness for 1d5 rounds. Cost: 3 magic points.
  • Magic missile - deals 1 damage on successful attack roll. Cost: 0 magic points.
  • Minor creation - creates a small, handheld-sized object. Cost: 1 magic points.
  • Summon monster - summons 1 monster of your current toughness - 1, and half  of your hit points (rounded up). Cost: 4 magic points.
  • Permanence - any spell effect becomes permanent. Cost: 5 magic points.

Natural Spells

Natural spells are best cast by druids, use the aspect bonus, and are gained through a life of hermitage and oneness with nature.

  • Animal messenger - a small animal will carry a short message for up to 100 miles. Cost: 0 magic points.
  • Animate plant - 1 small-to-medium plant comes alive and follows basic commands; T4, 5 HP. Cost: 2 magic points.
  • Call lightning - summons 1d5 bolts of lightning (each bolt deals 1 damage on successful attack). Cost: 2 magic points.
  • Charm animal - 1 animal regards you with trust; succeed an aspect challenge to command it. Cost: 1 magic point.
  • Cure light wounds - restores your level amount of hit points; T6 aspect check to succeed (unless you possess the heal skill). Cost: 0 magic points.
  • Cutting wind - deals 1d5 damage to up to 10 closely-grouped targets; allies in the wind must save 5 or suffer damage. Cost: 3 magic points.
  • Flame ring - deals 1 damage per round to up to 10 closely-grouped targets; allies in the ring must save 5 or suffer damage. Cost: 3 magic points.
  • Greenspeak - reach your mind through the grasses, leaves, branches, and roots; you may 'feel' what the plants feel (range of your level x 100 feet). Cost: 4 magic points.
  • Lightfoot - you (and those who travel with you) leave no trace as you journey through city or town, forest or plain; lasts your level amount of hours. Cost: 1 magic point.
  • Manipulate object - break, bend, twist, or move any medium-sized object comprised of raw organic material (rock, wood, grass, primitive iron, etc). Cost: 1 magic point.
  • Poison touch - deals 1d5 damage; must be on bare flesh, and affects all living creatures. Cost: 2 magic points.
  • Read magic - read any magical spell or scroll book, regardless of language. Cost: 1 magic point.
  • Regrowth - regrows severed limbs and appendages. Cost: 4 magic points.
  • Reincarnate - returns a recently dead subject to life in a random body nearby (does not affect characters). Cost: 4 magic points.
  • Spider’s silk- climb nearly any surface for 1d10 x your level minutes. Cost: 2 magic points.
  • Summon beast - summons 1 beast of your toughness + 1, and half your hit points (rounded down). Cost: 3 magic points.
  • Oakenhide - target gains 1d5 temporary hit points for an entire combat encounter. Cost: 2 magic points.
  • Unnatural transformation - the target becomes a small-to-medium animal (frog, mouse, goat, etc) for 1d10 hours. Roll 1d10: on a roll of 1, the effect is permanent. Cost: 2 magic points.
  • Weapon growth - any weapon made of primarily organic material (wooden clubs, arrows, talons/claws, stone hammers, primitive iron, etc) grows to twice its size, gains a +1 attack bonus, and deals double damage; lasts 1d5 rounds. Cost: 3 magic points.

This completes Tiny d10: Core Rules. Have fun, and remember: your imagination will bring this game to life - if there aren’t rules for what you want to do, make some!


FYI: I’m super excited to be sharing this here, and if anyone is interested in seeing more, I’ve got a lot of it. Next up will be a short adventure called The Broken Light, wherein adventurers find themselves shipwrecked on a mysterious island where it seems the only way up is down.

Following that will be another adventure, this time a Steemit exclusive: Blood & Salt, wherein strange events are afoot as the adventurers are waylaid by a raging storm and forced to spend the night in a remote seaside village.

Both adventures are loaded with content: maps, monsters, loot, and more!