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RE: Running The Sprawl: First impressions

in #rpg7 years ago

Shadowrun is not like DnD. There are no alignments. Nobody is "good" or "evil". They just do things. Those things can be the result of a variety of motivations that the actor believes to be for the greater good.

I like how that sounds, but that really doesn't describe the vast bulk of cyberpunk-genre role-play over the last few decades, and believe me – I was there!

If anything, most of cyberpunk role-play has been even more behavior-tropic than D&D tends to be. The alignment system in D&D at least allows for characters to break the mold of expectation. A Chaotic Good goblin is at least theoretically comprehensible within the framework of narratives that tend to fall out of it. Unusual, yes. But allowable within the framework.

Approach most groups about how often their Johnson screws them over and you will get elaborate laughter, vast peals of it, and they might talk about the one or two instances in their entire gaming career where the corporate contact doesn't screw them over one way or another. Maybe. If you're lucky and they've been particularly lucky.

If you look at the published scenarios, all the way back to Cyberpunk 2020 but the vast corpus of the last five editions of Shadowrun as well, there are almost no examples of corporations which cannot easily be painted very broadly as "evil."

That trope is extremely widespread even outside of the specific context of cyberpunk RPGs. In fact, it's one of the main reasons that I pitched loudly and long enough to get handed the Iteration X Revised book for White Wolf just so I could get some corporate entities into RPG canon who weren't complete mustache-twiddling jackasses.

It's up to us not to fall into simple good v evil tropes.

Which is exactly why I originally pointed out that it would be an excellent requirement for the players to get on board with their part of it by needing to justify, by buying into, and by explaining why the corporation that they are responsible for creating as antagonists are doing good things.

I would make that a part of every cyberpunk-genre game that I ever ran, but in particular for The Sprawl and the kind of lightweight distributed narrative power that comes in that system, that is a huge, potentially interesting aspect which actively pushes the players away from falling into the simple good versus evil tropes.

Which I repeat, are dull as dishwater.

Anything that breaks that cycle is a good thing.