Finding Positive Role Models For A Better You

in #role-model4 years ago


Having a positive role model can make a big difference in your life. It may be one person or several. What matters is they motivate and inspire you to be and do better.

The value of finding positive role models for a better you is much more than having someone to admire. It helps you live a more rewarding, fulfilling life.


The novelist, Oliver Goldsmith, once said, “People seldom improve when they have no other role model but themselves to copy.”

You know you have a good role model when they have a strong set of core values. They’re also willing to accept their mistakes and learn from them.

Positive role models influence our decisions for the better. When we’re going through a difficult time, we look to them for comfort and encouragement. By emulating how they overcome obstacles, we can overcome them as well.


No one is ever 100% correct or successful at everything they do.

Positive role models don’t expect to be. They view their mistakes as learning experiences and advantages. They become more aware of what to do next time and what not to do.

Looking at what others have done (or not done), can be very beneficial. It also gives you a sense of assurance that others have been through similar situations and not just survived, but thrived.


Finding positive role models can help you stay grounded during difficult times. They can help you keep your eyes on the prize and pursue your goals.

Be tenacious and resolute. Good role models teach you the importance of perseverance. They also show you the best ways to deal with any future setbacks.

How do they do that? They have a sense of purpose and know where they want to go in life.

A great example of this is Thomas Edison.

Even though his innovations have reshaped life as we know it, he wasn’t always seen as the success we now know him to be. In fact, his teachers said he wouldn’t amount to much. Then, as an adult, he was fired a couple of times. The reasons? His bosses said he was a “non-productive” employee.

The story is told that it took him 1,000 attempts to invent the light bulb. When asked how he felt about failing all those times, Edison answered with confidence: “I didn’t fail...The light bulb was an invention with 1,000 steps.” That’s the power of perseverance and determination!


Finding positive role models can truly make for a better you! These are people who you may or may not know personally. Still, you feel they’re worthy of your attention. You look up to them and feel inspired by their compassion, confidence, and integrity.

Imitate your role model’s confidence, positivity, and tenacity.

Remember a role model is someone to admire. You should aspire to have a similar outlook on life to achieve success in your own life.

Brainstorm. Every invention and advance ever made began as someone’s vision of a better future.

Use your role models’ successes and failures to encourage you in discovering ways to serve others and make the world a better place.


Each one of us is here for a reason. Having positive role models is valuable. But comparing yourself to them or others is a waste of time.

Instead, focus on the things you do well. These strengths are unique to you. When you come across something you’re not good at, manage that weakness or delegate it to someone for whom it is a strength. Put your energy into your strengths and the things that matter most to you.

• Focus on being the best version of yourself.
• Make a list of your set of core values.
• Write down both your short-term and long-term goals.
• When you achieve a goal, celebrate your accomplishments.
• Show confidence in yourself.
• Let your inner light shine. (This is one of the biggest lessons a positive role model can provide you.)

Tapping into your positive role models’ experiences can help you negotiate your life’s ups and downs. Channel their self-assurance and determination. Then, take everything you’ve learned from them and blaze your own trail to a better you . . . to become your best self.
