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RE: Orca! + The Road to Steem Fest | The Thai Life and what to expect

in #roadtosteemfest6 years ago

Hey man conrgrats on your milestone! I am also starting to send some of my money back into steem these next few days. feels like the time is here to buy in again! There's some pretty great movement going on at the moment

I havent followed all the progression and changes on steem so One question: What is the "timer" for voting now? is it 4 minutes now?
Cant seem to find it anywhere:)


I remember a time when we were neck and neck at around 7k STEEM, was over a year ago. There's a lot going on, mostly good.. hope you can join the new STEEM again with us.

One question: What is the "timer" for voting now? is it 4 minutes now?

What was 15 minutes is now 5 minutes for a 100% curation return. At 4 mins, 20% of your vote slice will be returned to the pool, but you may get in earlier than other bigger voters. Its a juggling act.